23. House In The Woods

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Pov Asher Wilson

'Momma..?' I muttered, making her look down at me questioningly, telling me with her eyes to go on talking.

'I keep having these weird visions about Bea... does that mean I will die?' A soft chuckle left her mouth and she pecked my forehead to sooth me, stroking her thumb over my cheek.

'You won't die, darling, tell me a little about the visions, maybe I can help you.' She said softly, brushing her fingers gently through my hair. I slowly explained to her what I have been seeing the past days, not being able to keep my tears inside because it was worrying the crap out of me. 

My mom just calmly listened and eventually pulled her phone out to look something up on her phone while letting me lean against her. 

'Did you ever think about being clairvoyant?' She asked, looking back into my eyes. I shook my head slowly and shrugged. 

'I don't even know what that means...' I muttered, rubbing my nose with my sleeve. 

'If you are clairvoyant, this actually means that you are shown extrasensory images of events that occur in another place or in another time.' She explained, making me scrunch my nose. 

'Should I really believe that's actually a thing?' I mumbled, not knowing whether to believe being clairvoyant was something that really existed or was just a myth. My mother hummed softly in response and shrugged. 

'Your grandmother, the mother of your father, was clairvoyant too, she always warned me your father would end up in a psych yard, and other little things.' She muttered, making me look up at her with a frown. 

'Really? Then why didn't you leave him?' I asked while rubbing the tears from my cheeks. 

'Because I loved him, and he loved me.' She smiled softly and pressed a kiss on the crone of my head, hugging me tightly. 

'And because of him I have this loving son now.' She said with a wide smile, eyes sparkling lovingly. A smile formed on my lips and I wrapped my arms in return around her neck, hugging her tightly back. 

'I love you so much momma.' I whispered, feeling a heavy tension in my chest which almost hurt. She calmly stroked my back and nodded, stuffing her face in my neck. I knew my mother had it difficult with the loss of her husband even though he wasn't dead. 

I could understand her fully, it was shitty and I knew it hurt her when she talked about him, and I would do anything to soften the pain or to take it away from her. 

'I love you too, Ash.' She whispered, her voice betraying her and telling me she was crying. I just held her close, making sure she was comfortable in my grip for as long she needed to be there.


I had informed Cole and Matt about my visions and since they finally found it a little worrying they agreed to go with me to the woods to visit the place I had seen in my last vision. 

Cole was driving the wheel and Matt was on the backseat, leaving me on the passenger seat next to Cole. It was mostly silent on the drive towards the woods while I was trying to search up the exact location of the house. 

'You're still busy trying to find her, aren't you?' Cole asked to break the silence, speeding the car up on an empty road. A sigh escaped my mouth and I nodded, turning my phone off. My gaze darted to the trees along the road and I silently watched them, feeling Matt's hands on my shoulders from behind. 

'It's alright dude, she will be found sooner or later, I promise you.' He muttered, massaging softly which made me relax a little. I have been way too tense the last few days, and it was tiring. 

'If you say so Matt, I'm just so worried...' I responded, closing my eyes while leaning back in the seat. 

'I know you are, I can literally feel the tension coming off from you.' He said with a soft chuckle, making me roll my eyes slightly. 

'Of course you do, because you're oh so sensitive to others...' I growled, making both the guys laugh softly. A lazy smile formed on my lips by hearing them and Cole groaned deeply. 

'Are we going to sneak in the house too, if we are able to find it?' He asked, eyes glancing at me before he looked back at the road, making sure he was driving well. I shrugged, but after a few more seconds I nodded my head. 

'Yeah, we will, I think that's the smartest.' I answered his question, looking outside again. We were almost there. 

When my father wasn't addicted yet, we always went to the woods together and I know where the house is, but due to the nerves that were ruling my body right now it was difficult to remember such things, and also the fact I haven't been in the woods for a while anymore. 

An offended look formed on my face when Cole held a joint up, looking clueless at my face. 

'Why the hell are you holding that up?' I asked, trying not to sound rude. He shrugged and laid it down again. 

'I thought you could use something to calm down.' He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck with one of his hands, holding the other on the wheel. 

'You're crazy if you think that I will start taking drugs, Cole, you should quit it too.' He rolled his eyes dramatically and shook his head, patting my knee. 

'You shouldn't worry about me.' I pushed his hand away immediately and crossed my arms. 

'You're stupid.' I said, tapping my index finger on my forehead. 

'You're going to get addicted if you don't stop sooner or later.' I added, looking annoyed out of the window again, watching how Cole drove onto a parking lot.

'Calm down, little fella, I won't get addicted, I swore that to you.' He said, turning the car off when he found a good spot for his car. A sigh left my mouth and I shrugged before shuffling Matt's hands from my shoulders and got out of the car. 

The boys followed me calmly and in silence as I tried to find the right path towards the house, but after turning back a few times and doubting a lot, I finally saw the frame of the old wooden house in the distance, in the fog. 

The actual path towards it was covered in dead leaves, branches and mud, so it made no sense staying on it anyways. 

When we came to the house, I saw a car standing behind it to my surprise. I grabbed my phone and took some pictures of the car and its license plate, just to be sure. Matt snickered behind me and his hand landed on my butt, making me look with squinted eyes at him. 

'Is it funny?' I asked, looking at his wide grin as he nodded. 

'Yeah man, you look like a serious detective when you do stuff like this, it's entertaining.' He said before hopping like a little girl back to Cole who was looking through a window. I watched them for a moment to see if Cole was going to say anything about the things he was seeing inside, but when he didn't I walked to the front of the house, getting onto the porch. 

I slowly moved to the window beside the front door, wondering if someone was home before putting my hands beside my face, looking inside curiously but slightly scared.

It was pretty dark inside and the cupboards and stairs in the hallway seemed dusty. There were reindeer antlers hanging over the door that led to another room and it looked like there was a hidden door under the stairs, but I couldn't see it very well.

'Whatcha seeing?' Cole's sudden voice behind me said, making me jump up from my spot. 

'Dammit boy, don't scare me like that!' He shrugged with a playful grin on his lips before taking a drag of the cigarette he had lit up on his way towards this house, looking in the window I just looked in. 

'You think the door is open?' He muttered, standing back straight. Matt appeared on my other side and he grabbed the door handle. 

'There's only one way to discover that.' He said with a big grin, not realizing how dangerous that actually could be, but before I could protest he already pulled the handle down, opening the door slowly with a surprised look on his face. 


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