30. Dealing With Drugs

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Pov Asher Wilson

'That's great news!' My mother cheered in happiness, clearly not understanding what kind of a dangerous situation we were in right now.

'No, she's in danger, I will explain the rest to you later but Dustin and Riley are behind her missing.' I said before standing up straight again, running upstairs to my room without giving my mother another chance to speak up or ask any questions.

I had to do something quickly, thoughts rushing through my mind as I tried to make a plan to get Bea out of there. 

I would call Royce first to ask him what drug causes hallucinations and if he still has chloroform in stock, if so, I would buy some. Then I will inform Billie about everything I heard and ask her about Bea's behavior the past weeks when she was still around. And then, then I would make an end of all of this. I will go to that damn house with the police and get Bea out before anything bad happens. 

After wasting five minutes on searching the small paper with Royce's phone number, I finally found it. I copied it to my phone and called it, taking a deep breath before hearing a surprising low voice at the other side of the line.

'Hello?' He said, causing me to fall still for a moment. 

'Uh, is this Royce?' I asked, feeling my heart thump in my throat heavily, my fingers clenching around the first pencil I could find. 

'Yeah, that's me, what's up mate?' He asked, sounding pretty chill. 

'Well, you see, I had a few questions about drugs...' I  muttered, trying to be as smooth as him. He hummed softly as a sign I had to go on. 

'You know what kind of drugs cause hallucinations?' I asked, clearing my throat after. 

'You see, you've different types of hallucinogens, hallucinogens are psychedelic drugs that can potentially change the way people see, hear, taste, smell or feel, and also affect mood and thought, for your information.'

'You've like, a lot of that kind of drugs, but LSD, cannabis, ecstasy and PCP, also known as Angel Dust, are pretty popular, among my users then, but yeah.' He answered me while I tried to write everything down as quickly as possible. 

'Okay, and what are they like? Powder, pills? Syringes maybe?' I asked, tapping my pen on my desk impatiently. 

'Well, LSD is often sold in the form of paper strips, I do that too. The LSD is sprayed there in a thin layer. It's also available as small tablets, transparent gel tablets and in thin flakes, which is my preference.'

'Liquid LSD and powdered LSD also exist, but they are less popular.' He answered for the first kind of drugs he named. 

'Then we have cannabis, also known as weed and I'm pretty sure you know what that is. It's mostly common to smoke it, it's then available in dried flower buds and granules, and I honestly don't know if you can get it in any other form because that would be quite uncommon.' He said, making me slightly annoyed by how fast he talked.

'Further, we have ecstasy, it's mainly distributed in tablet form or pills, but you can get it also in a powder form and even in a crystal form. You can inject the drug with a syringe as well and then we have PCP left.' Royce cleared his throat before he went on talking. 

'Phencyclidine, PCP is generally a white powder, it has a bitter chemical taste and this drug mostly causes hallucinations. It's a very illegal and dangerous drug because if you take high doses, it can cause a range of serious health issues like seizures, comas, and possibly lead to death.' 

'Okay... and can I get PCP also in another form? A syringe maybe?' I asked, sitting on the corner of my desk as I folded my free arm over my chest. 

'Oh yeah, definitely. You can find it in tablet, capsule, powder, or liquid form, so syringes as well yes. Are you interested?' 

'Well, no, I just had to know it for a friend.' I lied, rubbing my hand over my knee again. 

'But I was wondering if you selled chloroform by any chance?' That was the most important question.

'Well, I usually don't sell it but due to some circumstances I've pretty much in stock of it at the moment, you need any, mate?' 

'Yes, yes please, how much will it cost and can I get it by tomorrow already?' I asked immediately after he finished his sentence, getting up from my desk, grabbing my wallet from my bag to see if I had any money in cash. 

'You can get it by tomorrow, yes, and the price depends on how much you want. I can give you a bottle of 100 milliliter for 26,90 dollars.' He chuckled low, making me hum in response. 

'Yeah, that would be enough, where do I have to go to get the bottle and pay you, bro?' 

'Are you familiar with the Parrington Lawn?'

'I am.' 

'Then I will meet you at the George Washington Lane Northeast in front of the Parrington Hall at half past one in the afternoon.' 

'That's a deal.' 


'Well, I heard Bea complain about seeing and hearing things that others didn't see or hear a few times in like, three weeks before she disappeared, so I'm pretty sure Riley would've broken in for at least three weeks straight if it's combined with what you told me.' Billie answered. 

After I ended the call with Royce, I video called Billie and explained everything I heard, but she seemed a little distracted by something. 

'I see, I expect that Riley used PCP or ecstasy on Bea then, because syringes would be the handiest to drug someone without them noticing, right?' I asked, making her nod her head as she rolled on her back on her bed. She rubbed her forehead for a moment and a sigh left her mouth.

'Yeah, I guess so too, but it's impossible to determine unless we ask Riley or give Bea a blood test, but then we have to find her first.' She muttered, rolling back on her stomach so she could look at the screen again. I rubbed my jaw slightly, brushing my fingers through my hair after. 

'Good point... let's just keep it in mind then, it's not the most important part of this whole drama.' I sighed, looking at my hands before twisting one of the silver rings I was wearing around my finger.

'Did you hear anything about the case from your father yet?' I asked, keeping the conversation up. Billie shrugged and rubbed her fingers softly over the cap that was still on her nose. 

'Not at all, but I heard him say something about marking a case as a runaway when he was talking with a colleague on the phone in the kitchen. I assume it was about Bea though.' Her words stabbed me in the chest. 

The case couldn't be marked as a runaway. Yes, the missing is already going on for over two months, but that doesn't mean they have to give up already, and besides, I probably found out where she is now, so they could go and help her out.

'No, they won't mark it as a runaway...' I huffed, rolling my eyes by the thought. 

'Just tell your father I know where she is.' 

'No, there's no evidence that she's there, Asher, you maybe overheard that conversation from Riley and Dustin but the police can't do anything with it, and they probably won't even bother to do something with it, you know how the police are in the United States...' She muttered, shaking her head slightly. 

'Come on, he's your dad, he will listen to you, right?' I groaned. Billie was right about the police here, unfortunately, it was shitty sometimes. 

'His work and private life are separated, Ash, I've no influence on him and his work.' 

'I strongly doubt that he can keep his work and private life separated.' 

'Yet he does.' She stared at me through the screen, keeping me silent for a while. A sigh left my mouth and I rubbed my face quietly. 

'Can I come over tomorrow afternoon?' I asked, wanting to speak face to face with her again. 

'Yeah, sure thing.' She smiled softly before I let myself fall back on my bed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. 


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