26. Busy Evening

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Pov Asher Wilson

'There you go, Asher.' Mia said as she handed me a plate with homemade pizza. I took it with a big smile and sat back on the couch. Billie ran towards me from the kitchen and jumped beside me on the couch, stealing a piece of my food. 

With an offended look I looked at her, but it didn't seem to bother her since she just ate the piece like she didn't just steal it from me. 

'Sharing is caring.' She muttered with a full mouth, grinning after while patting my hair with her clean hand. I rolled my eyes and finally grabbed a piece myself too, taking a bite from it satisfied. 

It hadn't taken long when we were called down by Mia to make our own pizza. Billie had calmed down from her little breakdown pretty quick too. In the meantime, Wyatt had also come home from the police station and greeted me with a firm handshake, which still hurt. Not forgetting the fact that I almost had a heart attack when I suddenly bumped into a chick I didn't know, but apparently that was Billie's older sister, Siren is her name.

'Still busy with being a detective yourself?' Wyatt asked as he sank down on the couch with a plate himself too, pressing a kiss on Billie's hair.

'Yes I am.' I answered with a proud grin on my face, making the older man chuckle and shake his head. He calmly took a bite from his food and spread his knees in a manspread while signaling his wife to come sit on his thigh. Mia sat down on her husband's lap not much later with her own food, pecking Wyatt's cheek. I sucked my cheeks in and looked down at my plate while rubbing my nose, trying to stay silent about the pretty intimate situation. 

'No clingy behavior around guests, please.' Billie muttered while shooting me a helpless glance. Her face was enough for me to lose it and burst out laughing, almost choking on the piece of pizza I still had left in my mouth. 

'Asher!' Billie whined, slapping me hard on my arm. I shook my head while coughing a few times, grinning wide at her while rubbing some tears from my eyes. She laughed softly now as well and shook her head. 

'Come on dude...' She muttered, shooting an annoyed look at her father afterwards. Wyatt just winked at her and pressed a loving kiss on Mia's cheek, making the woman chuckle.

'Can't I show love to my wife?' He asked hypocritically, clearly wanting to embarrass and annoy his daughter even more. Billie just groaned deeply and stole another piece of my pizza, making me whine. 

'Girl, get your own.' I groaned, slapping her hand away softly. A naughty chuckle left her lips and she shook her head, sitting back on the couch while eating satisfied. 

'Close friends already, hm?' Mia chuckled, making Billie look at her from the corner of her eyes. 

'With an emphasis on friends, yes.' She mumbled, searching eye contact with me after. Her eyes told me enough and I nodded slightly at her, understanding that her parents would question this friendship because that's their hobby, asking their children whether they have a boy or girlfriend the minute they interact with the other gender. 

'Are you sure about that?' Wyatt said under his breath with the biggest grin on his face I had ever seen, making Billie slap him on his free thigh. 

'You know I prefer girls!' Billie raised her voice at him, making me look up surprised by her words. 

'You're gay?' I asked before Wyatt could respond, making her look at me again with a slight blush on her face. 

'No, bisexual with a preference for girls...'

'Doesn't mean you can't fall for Asher.' Her father interrupted her, laughing, making her whine annoyed again. 


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