11. Disappeared

18 3 70

Pov Dustin Mccoy

Three days without a single sign of Bea had passed and I thought I was close on going insane. While I was cycling to school, my thoughts took over and I couldn't stop thinking about all the bad scenarios that possibly happened to her. 

I didn't pass her house yet, but I was regretting that I didn't now. Maybe something had happened and her parents could tell me what, but somehow I didn't find the time to go there yet, I would do that now or tomorrow probably.

With a grunt I put my bike in the bicycle rack and moved inside quickly, getting slapped on the back of my neck by Jules Hamilton, another friend of Bea and me. 

'Hey dude.' He smiled brightly at me. His dark wavy hair was hanging messy in front of his brown eyes and his colored skin looked nice in the lights of the building. Jules always looked good, you might as well compare him to a god because there was almost no difference. 

With a sharp jawline and standard sleepy eyes he was attractive as hell, even for me while I was a guy myself. The boy was build broad and looked like a fuck boy, yet he stills watches My Little Pony in a pink onesie before he goes to bed and had zero names on his bodycount list. 

'Hey, how are you?' I asked in return, feeling my stress ease a little with him hanging around my neck like he was my girlfriend. Sometimes I wondered if he was gay, and if that was the case, I would love it 100 percent and definitely support it. 

'I'm really good! What about you, huh?' He asked as he looked up at me with those shiny eyes of his'. While shooting a smile at him, I shrugged, thinking about my answer. 

'I'm good too, just worrying about Bea, did you speak to her by any chance the past few days?' Jules shrugged his shoulders as he let go of my neck and stuffed his hands in his pockets. 

'I have no idea Dust, I haven't spoken to her in a pretty long while, sadly.' He answered, looking up at the ceiling for a moment. 

'But why are you worrying then?' He asked as he pulled me along to our lockers to grab our books for the day. While opening my own one, I pulled my bag open. 

'I haven't seen her at school in three days and she doesn't answer my calls or texts.' I muttered, having a heavy feeling in my stomach while saying so. Something had happened, I just knew it, but I just was too stubborn to give in to it. 

'Oh? That's indeed a little strange.' Jules muttered before looking at his phone, seeming like to write a text message to someone. I hummed softly in response and locked my locker again when I was done, closing my bag.

'Doesn't Asher know anything about it?' He asked when he looked up again, one eyebrow raised. His face told me he was serious about his question, but I couldn't take it seriously at all. Asher was the reason Bea ran away from school in the first place, why would he know anything more than I did. 

I mean, I'm Bea's best friend, I know everything from her and she would tell me things earlier then she would tell things to her stupid bully. Asher didn't even deserve to get Bea's attention at all. And if I find out that those two secretly have a friendship, I'm going to ruin it anyways, I don't want Bea to have contact with those kinds of humans, that's way out of her league. 

'Asher? No, he doesn't know a shit.' I scoffed, crossing my arms after hanging my bag over my shoulders. I could see a little smile play on Jules' lips by my attitude, which annoyed me, and shrugged. 

'Okay, if you say so Dust, but we will find her soon or later, now let's go to our class before we get detention.'


School was very sucks and very disappointing as usual. It already was sucks, but now without Bea even more. I missed her, I wanted to see her, and I got grumpier by the minute when I realized I wouldn't. After the first break I wanted to look for Asher but he got suspended for a few days, apparently. Not that I mind, because now I don't have to see his selfish fucking face. 

My way back to my house was messy. They had opened a road to renovate it so I had to make a long detour to get to my house. On top of that, I was almost hit by a car because the driver wasn't paying attention and I got thrown off my bike because I drove over a stupid threshold. 

My dad entered the bathroom while I was cleaning the wound on my knee from the smack I made onto the ground. He cleared his throat and leaned against the doorframe, watching me for a moment. 

When his gaze started to annoy me, I looked back up at him and stopped with what I was doing, asking him with my eyes what he wanted. 

Richard Mccoy, probably a well-known name for a lot of people who live in this city. The guy had a bad reputation and everybody knew that. He hated working so he was unemployed at the moment as well yet he still earned money by dealing drugs with his friends and acquaintances. And then he had to be my father at the very same time, great. 

Beside the fact he was a fucking dick, he also could be a supportive father, luckily. He maybe didn't give a shit about the people around him, but he did care for me and my mother, and I could appreciate that. 

'Are you okay, fella?' He finally asked after I lost a staring contest with the big man, sitting down beside me. I pulled my shoulders up and sighed deep, leaning against his shoulder as he took the cloth over from me and cleaned my knee instead. 

'I'm fine, just lost in my mind...' I muttered in return, knowing father would want to know every single detail from what was going on in my mind only just to scold me. 

'Tell me.' He ordered like he was the president, making me smile a little. 

'You know, I have been thinking about Bea lately and-' A deep growl left his mouth and he looked up with disappointment in his eyes. 

'Not again about her, or fuck her, or leave her, come on boy, it's not that difficult.' He groaned, already seeming annoyed. 

'You didn't even let me finish my story!' I grumbled back, crossing my arms offended.

'No, I didn't, because it's always the same story, Bea this, Bea that, Bea so, Bea Bea Bea, you got something else to talk about too?' He said, pricking his finger in my shoulder each time he said Bea's name. I sucked my cheeks in annoyed and stared up at him for a moment, looking away after.

'That's not true.' I muttered, knowing it actually was true. Most of my stories indeed were about her, but I couldn't help it. Bea was just too fascinating. 

'Hell, like it is, it's like you have an obsession with her boy, and it's getting under my skin, you know?' He said while drying my knee gently, pulling my trouser leg back down before getting up. A sigh left my lips and I rolled my eyes. 

'What does not get under your skin?' I sneered, expecting a stupid answer. A grin appeared on his lips and he shrugged nonchalantly. 

'Probably that attitude of yours, son, dinner's ready in 10 minutes.'


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the evening news of May 24, Friday. This time we start with some unusual but worrying news." 

"Bea Hopkins, a seventeen year old girl, was reported missing on May 21, Tuesday. After her school day, which was supposed to end at 3:15, she was no longer seen at home by her parents. However, it was reported by Mrs Hopkins that the house was a mess when she came home from the hospital the next day with her husband, which was made unlikely by her daughter." 

"The police would like to call on everyone to keep an eye out for the missing girl and to call the emergency number below if anyone sees her or knows anything about her disappearance. On the right side of the screen you can see a photo of the girl. She is said to be around 1 meter 69 and wears glasses. Her  hair is dark in color and she has a slim build. It is not yet known what clothing she would have been wearing at the time of her disappearance, so more information will be provided later." 

"The police cannot say anything more and will first start an investigation. So to repeat, have you seen this girl, or if you have a tip that might help, please inform the emergency number at the bottom of the screen, thank you in advance. Now onto the daily news..." 


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