32. Concession.

9 3 67

Pov Dustin McCoy

'I'm going to the supermarket, dear, do you need me to bring anything along?' My mother asked as she stuck her head through the door opening of my bed, looking at me. I turned my phone off and hummed, dropping it beside me on my bed.

'No, I'm good, when will you be back?' I asked, sitting up calmly as I rubbed my hands over each other. I was planning on going somewhere this evening, so she had to be back on time.

'Small hour perhaps.' She answered, stroking her fingers over the white paint that was on the door. A hum left my mouth and she nodded slowly, leaving my room again without making another noise. I watched the door close again and let a deep groan out, rubbing my eyes.

Tonight was the night. Everything I worked so hard for would finally happen and everybody would be jealous of me. They would fear me, they would know they're nothing like me. I would be the king and they would be my slaves. 

A grin appeared on my lips by the thought and a satisfied hum rolled over my lips as I brushed my hand through my messed up hair. I had to cut it into a model again. Every dream I had as a kid would come true within a few days after I finish my job tonight. Everything I never received will now be at my feet. My parents will finally be proud of me, appreciate me for what I do and who I am today. 

And best of all, I'd be better than Asher. I would be above him, people will choose me over him and praise me instead. He will shatter into a thousand pieces after today, and I will enjoy his pain to the fullest. I would finally get the place I deserve, and that was his place.

A knock woke me up from my little paradise, making me look annoyed at the door. It probably was my mother again since my father was in the club spilling his only money on tons of beer and drugs as usual.

'What is it, mom?' I raised my voice, sitting up on the edge of my bed as I kept my eyes on the door. The door opened and banged against the wall, Asher flipping his hair casually back before crossing his arms over his chest.

'I'm not your mom.' He muttered, his gaze darting through my bedroom like he had nothing to worry about at all. His eyes fell on mine again as I slowly stood up from my bed, trying to find out how the hell he got in my house.

'What are you doing here?' I hissed, stuffing my hands in the front pocket of my hoodie. He shrugged and calmly took some steps inside the room, closing the door softly. His calm and unbothered behavior worked on my nerves. He definitely had something to say, otherwise he wouldn't be here, obviously.

'Who let you in?' I muttered when he didn't answer me, making my annoyance level rise to the ceiling.

'Oh your mother did, told her I'm a friend of yours.' The longer male said, a satisfied grin appearing on his lips as he seemed proud of his deed.

Of course my mother did, she believes anything you tell her, dumb woman. Some curse words left my mouth as I brushed my fingers back through my hair, glaring at Asher.

'Get the hell out.'

'Or what? Gonna slap me like you did to Billie?' He hissed back, stepping forward. He looked down on me, making me feel like a measly little guy.

'Did you know you actually broke her nose by the punch you gave her?' He murmured, making me look surprised. I better did. Billie deserved to walk around with a broken nose. It was her own fault anyways, then she shouldn't have sneaked through my room when I was in the shower. 

A grin appeared on my lips this time, but it got slapped off my face the second it stood there. 

Asher stuffed his hand back in the pocket of his pants after he used it to hit me across the face with his knuckles. A groan rolled over my lips as the burning feeling on my jaw appeared, making me rub it with one of my hands.

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