13. Useless Talks

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Pov Asher Wilson

'So you're saying that you saw Bea yesterday, but when you walked into the alley she went in, she wasn't there?' Riley said, disbelief radiating from her face as she placed her hands on her hips. 

Yesterday was weird. After I walked out the alley, the headache and the flash of light returned, after which I felt fine again. It was strange in my opinion, like it just was a kind of vision that randomly decided to mess with my head. 

I wanted to share it with someone who knows Bea, and I was thinking about who when I ran into Riley the minute I entered the school. 

For as far I knew she was one of Bea's best friends, so it wouldn't be a problem to talk to her, or that's at least what I thought, because her gaze was pretty terrifying for a female being and I honestly didn't like that. 

'Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, I know, it sounds weird right?' I muttered, leaning against the lockers beside hers. 

'You see, Asher, I don't really think I can do anything with the things you just told me and I honestly also think you're just crazy and just wasted my precious time.' She mocked, searching for something in her own locker with an annoyed look in her eyes. 

'Okay, but you can at least try right? I mean, Bea needs to be found again, we can't just let her down.' I tried to be convincing, even making a big gesture with my hands, but the only reaction I received from her was a soft chuckle. 

A soft mocking chuckle.

'I never expected you to say something like that, I will give you that.' She said, stuffing some books in her bag before looking back at me. 

'Look Asher, I don't really think you and I will work out.' She said, making me scrunch my nose in disgust. 

'Well did I ever ask for a relationship? No, I'm just asking you to help me to find out what happened to Bea.' I responded, crossing my arms annoyed since she didn't give the answers I wanted to hear. 

'No, I don't want to, Asher, just let the police do their job and keep your pretty little nose out of the business, it's not like you like her, is it?' She said,  tapping her dark blue painted finger on my nose before she hung her bag over her shoulder and left me like I was never there. 

'Bitch.' I scoffed while stamping my foot on the ground like a toddler, hands balled into fists. We already knew Dustin was an assbanger, but apparently Riley is as well. Did Bea even have normal friends instead of those arrogant and toxic ones? 

'You look pissed.' The voice of a girl said behind me, making me spin around to see who it was. The girl in front of me with a black raincoat on and slightly messed up mascara looked with two lazy eyes at me before turning to her locker. I knew she was one of Bea's friends, but I wasn't sure about her name, if I had to guess I would say that this was Billie. 

My eyes followed her movements before answering her after a few minutes. 

'Well maybe because I am pissed.' I muttered, getting a soft hum in response from the girl. 

'I saw you had your first talk with Riley, liked it?' She asked while putting the coat off, stuffing it in her locker. I shrugged in response and rolled my eyes. 

'She's a cunt, for fucks sake.' I murmured annoyed, walking around her to see what was more in her locker. Just some books and a pencil case. 

'Don't reject someone based on one conversation, will you?' She closed her locker and turned back to me, crossing her arms. 

'I'm Billie.' She said, her eyes softening a little. I knew I was right, I'm always right. My eyes wandered around her face and body for a moment, nodding after. 

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