29. The Final Exposing

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Pov Asher Wilson

'Hey buddy.' Cole gave me a friendly punch against my arm and smiled calmly at me, keeping his other arm around Siren's neck as she leaned against him. 

'Hey...' I muttered, smiling a little back before looking at Mia who was sitting on the dining table. She smiled calmly at me and patted beside her on the table as a sign for me to sit down beside her. I did what she wanted me to do and she patted my back. 

'I'm very grateful for your presence, Asher.' She said, making me smile wider and nod. 

'It's no problem, really.' I answered, giving her knee a soft squeeze as a sign of comprehensibility and sympathy. She nodded and tangled her fingers in each other while holding her hands on her lap again. 

'It's good to see someone care about my daughter, like, really care, not just the basics like "Are you okay?" or "You'll be fine" no, you really care.' She smiled, looking up at me again. Her words were sweet, maybe way too sweet to be said to a guy like me. It's crazy to hear someone actually talk nice about, knowing it's coming from their heart. 

'Of course, Billie is a sweet girl, just like her mother.' I said, grinning happily at the end of my sentence, making Cole laugh softly as Siren scoffed softly with a smile on her face. 

'Such a bootlicker.' Siren muttered, making me nod hypocritically. If she wanted to think I was one, I wouldn't have any problems with that, it sounded funny aways. 

'Yes... but I think I'm going home. Billie fell asleep upstairs and I promised my mother to be home a little early.' I said, standing up from the table again. Mia nodded with a smile on her face and got up too, to give me a goodbye hug. 

I noticed hugs were something important in Billie's family, but I didn't mind since I liked them as well. 

After giving both Mia and Siren a soft and unpressured hug, I thanked the mother of the family for the time I spent here, walking to the door after. 

'Where's my goodbye hug, you little bitch.' Cole called after me before two of his strong arms slipped around my waist from behind, making me whine. 

'No! You're a very dirty boy, you don't deserve a hug.' I grumbled while spinning around in his grip, squinting my eyes when seeing the stupid grin on his pierced lips. 

'I don't care, I will only let you go if you hug me back.' He said firmly, squeezing my lungs shut for a moment with his big arms. After groaning and giving him a slap on the chest, I gave in eventually and hugged him back, causing him to wiggle his shoulders. 

A soft laugh left my mouth as he let go of me again, messing my hair up by ruffling his hand through it. 

'Take care on your way back there, lil bud.' He muttered before letting go of me, slapping me on the butt as I turned around. 

'Go slap Siren's butt instead of mine.' I groaned as I walked over to the hallway, putting my coat on. I could hear Siren laugh at my comment but it quickly changed into a little yelp when I heard Cole's well-known naughty laugh and quick footsteps. 

With a satisfied grin on my face, I got outside the house and closed the door calmly. I had to walk back home since that's also how I came here, but it was only ten minutes, so I didn't mind. 

It wasn't warm nor cold outside either so I would survive. 

While humming a song my mother always listens to, which was Young And Beautiful from Lana Del Rey, I hopped calmly over the sidewalk, thinking back at everything that happened so far. 

If Dustin was truly behind Bea's missing I will strangle him to death with my bare hands, no jokes. 

As I turned around the corner I saw two people standing in my way. As soon as I recognized Riley's face, I turned back around and hid behind the corner, listening to her talk with the other person. 

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