33. Reckless Night.

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Pov Asher Wilson

The headlights had difficulty illuminating the country road I was driving on as the night slowly arrived, the sky turning darker by every minute that passed. With my left hand I was gripping the wheel of the car tightly, knuckles turned white, using the other to hold my phone as I called Billie. We maybe had a little fight, but I found it fair if she knew I was on my way to the forest now. 

Maybe it was stupid of me to go all alone, but after my little accident with Dustin I just wanted to go here as quickly as possible, which was after I got back home again and had to wait til my mother came home with her car again since I don't have one myself yet. I'm too broke for that. 

The drive alone already took me three hours and fourteen minutes, so it would be late when I finally got to the right location.  

'What is it, Asher?' Billie's tired voice sounded on the other side of the line.

'Just wanted to tell you that I'm on my way to Jeffrey now.' I muttered as I held my gaze locked on the road as it became foggier the closer I got to the forest. 

'Huh? Why are you going there? Is someone with you?' Billie said, her voice clearer than the first time. 

'I went to Dustin's place after I visited you, he admitted Bea is there Bill, we have a hundred percent chance of finding her there, you know I can't let that chance shoot.'

'And I'm alone. I didn't want to take Matt along since he is a dick and Cole is probably getting babied by your sister, so I didn't want to interrupt him either.' I responded, hearing Billie groan annoyed. 

'You're insane for going there by yourself, Ash! You could've asked me to come along!' She whined, letting me know she was pouting right now since she always did that when she whined. Pretty cute actually. 

'That's too dangerous, Bill...' I muttered, taking a turn to the right to get on the way that led into the woods. 

'I am the definition of dangerous, you could take me along, potato head.' She muttered, making me burst out in laughter because she sounded so convinced of herself. 

'Yah! Don't laugh at me! I really don't like it that you're doing this all alone.' She snarled, making me roll my eyes as I clamped my phone between my ear and shoulder so I could lay my right hand on the wheel, using my left one to hold the phone now. 

'I'm sorry cupcake, just inform your dad about this, can you do that for me?' I asked, narrowing my eyes slightly at the darkness as the trees around my car gathered, keeping me from receiving any light from the sky. 

'Fine, but stay safe please, and keep me updated about Bea.' Billie sighed deeply, her voice having a hint of worry in it. 

'I will, I promise I will, everything will be alright after tonight, okay?' She hummed in response and it stayed silent for a moment, but I didn't bother to hang up yet. 

'How long do you have to drive?' Billie asked after a moment, something cracking in the background. 

'I have ten minutes left, I'm almost at the parking lot where I was earlier with Matt and Cole.'

'Do you have anything with you to protect yourself?' 

'Yeah, I took my Glock 19 with me and some other things, don't worry so much Bibi.' I chuckled, but it stayed quiet at the other line.

'Why are you staying silent?' I asked, feeling like I said something wrong. 

'Why the hell do you have a gun with you?' Billie muttered under her breath, making me roll my eyes. 

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