27. Hurt By Loved Ones

12 3 82

Pov Billie Edwards

I opened my eyes with a groan, pushing Asher's arms a little away from my waist so I could breathe properly. 

We had watched around three and a half movies before we both started to yawn constantly and were having a hard time keeping our eyes open, so I shut the laptop and dumped it on my desk before crawling back under the blankets. 

It hadn't taken long before Asher had fallen deep asleep and wrapped his arms around my waist without knowing himself. Honestly I could scream when he did, because it was nothing but the most adorable thing he ever did. 

Until he started suffocating me in the morning by gripping me this tight. And the fact I wasn't able to get out his grip was maybe the scariest thing I ever experienced. 

'Ash!' I groaned as I turned around in his grip to face him, slapping him on the chest. 

'Let me go!' I added with a whine, watching how a grin formed on his lips, telling me he wasn't asleep anymore. 

'Or what?' He muttered with a hoarse sleepy voice, able to make me stop breathing for a second. I maybe had a preference for girls, but the morning voices of boys were the most divine things I could ever listen to, I wouldn't deny that. 

And Asher already had a deep voice from himself, so hearing him in the morning was a gift from heaven. 

'Just let me go.' I repeated, trying to push his arms down, but I had no chance when seeing his biceps. 

'What will you do about it, hmm?' He muttered with a low chuckle, only pulling me closer. With squinted eyes I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling hard on it, which made him whine and let go of me so I could jump out of bed with an evil cackle. 

As I stretched myself out, I looked at Asher, watching how he rubbed one of his hands through his hair with squinted eyes. With a happy smile on my face I grabbed a hoodie from my desk chair, signing Asher to turn around. 

With a groan he laid down on his belly, hugging my pillow while facing the wall so I could change. 

'I'm done.' I hummed while closing the button of my pants, making him look up again. 

'How can you be so energetic in the morning?' He muttered, looking through his eyelashes at me. The boy was still tired, that was clear from his face. 

'Because I'm a morning person.' I grinned, walking over to him to pull the blankets away from him. A loud whine left his mouth as he tried to pull them back over his body, but I didn't let him. I had plans for today so he had to get out of bed. 

'Come on, you'll get a nice breakfast if you get out now.' I murmured, grabbing his wrists in an attempt to pull him out the bed, but he didn't let me. 

'I don't want breakfast.' He pouted, pulling me back on the bed like he was a little kid that wanted his mother to be close.

'You should, Bea will love you if you eat your breakfast.' I grinned, watching how his pouty face changed into a naughty one.

'Fine.' He said as he kicked the blankets further away, getting up with a grunt as he pulled his shirt off without a warning, exposing his muscled chest and broad back to me. I pursed my lips and closed my eyes, not needing to see him change in clean clothes in front of me. 

'Next time warn me, please.' I muttered, making him laugh hypocritically before he became completely silent again, making me look through my eyelashes at him to see what the reason for it was, but he just stood there in the middle of my room, looking at me while pulling on a gray T-shirt. 

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