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Pov Asher Wilson

'I'm very grateful that you wanted to share this information with me, Audrey.' I said with a small smile, shaking the hand of the older woman in front of me. She nodded a little and rubbed her sleeve over her cheek, getting rid of the last tears. 

'You're welcome, son.' She answered, smiling a little back before letting go of my hand. With a nod I turned my back to her and slowly stepped out the door, before turning back to face her. 

'I will try to bring her back if the police won't.' I whispered loud enough for her to hear. She nodded in response and wrapped the blanket she still had around her shoulders a little tighter around her. 

'Thank you.' She mouthed back. 

'Take care on your way home.' After nodding visibly to her, I turned away again and walked out of the front yard, onto the sidewalk. My mind was still at the story Audrey told me. I expected Bea to have rich parents and a lot of siblings, but that apparently wasn't the case, which made me feel a little uncomfortable. 

Maybe because I always thought that she had it alright at home that I could annoy her and it wouldn't bother her in that case. 

Honestly that was a very dumb thought of me since annoying and bullying someone has nothing to do with their home-situation. And if we were talking about Bea then I probably damaged her mental health, which was worse than physical damage.

A groan left my mouth and I rubbed my hands over my face shortly, slapping myself on the cheeks for the fact I never think things through. 

While scolding myself silently, a high pitched ringing in my ears got my attention. With a huff I covered them since it hurted but it didn't seem to make the noise softer. I squeezed my eyes shut and crouched down to the floor, feeling my head spinning.

An image of Bea created itself for me and showed me that the girl herself was in a dark environment, lying on a dirty blue mat with ropes around her wrists.

It was a short image before the pain went away and the spinning stopped, but it was long enough to shock me. Of course I had thought of things that possibly had happened to the girl but not this specific, so that my head showed me this out of nowhere was freaky in my opinion. 

With my heart beating in my throat I got up again, wobbling a little. I stared into space for a moment, trying to convince myself I made the picture up myself before I started walking again, just wanting to be home again and sink in my mother's warm arms for the rest of the night. 


'Momma?' I called out as I walked upstairs. She wasn't downstairs, and all the lights were out except for the one in the hallway, so she probably went to bed already. Skipping two stairs with each step I took, I ran upstairs, opening the door from my mother only to find her sitting in her bed with the Bible under her nose. A little smile formed on her lips and she closed the book gently, laying it on her nightstand. 

'Mom...' I muttered, kicking my shoes off while walking up to her, crawling beside her on the bed. I dumped my head against her chest, wanting to listen to her heartbeat and feel her warmth. She wrapped her arms tightly around me and placed a soft kiss on the crone of my hair before nuzzling her nose in it.

'Are you alright, darling?' She whispered softly, rubbing my back gently. I shrugged my shoulders, feeling tears gather in my eyes again. I felt bad because of the talk I had with Audrey, and I knew it all didn't happen because of me, but I just didn't like to hear that a family can have such a shitty life. 

'It's gonna be okay...' She whispered a little louder, using one hand to squeeze the back of my hair. Her calm and sweet voice soothed me a little and I buried my face on her sternum, letting the last tears I had held back out for the evening. 

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