4. Late Night Shifts

22 3 67

Pov Bea Hopkins

I stepped into the shop and sighed deep. I was completely soaked due to the rain outside.

With some mumbling I walked over to the canteen in the back of the place and hung my coat up before going to a mirror to fix my face and hair a little bit.

Last night had been a drama but Billie helped me through it gently without asking too many questions about it. The day after, I slept till half past 2 in the afternoon, which I could use because I had a night shift on the planning today.

I worked in a video store, pretty boring but it earned well. Only thing I always had to do was help customers at the counter, put the returned CDs and tapes back in their correct place, and clean up and lock the doors when it was closing time.

People didn't come into the shop often, so it was quite calm. Not that I did care about that.

'Hey, drowned one.' A familiar voice behind me said. I looked up over my shoulder and smiled at my co-worker. Charlie Myers, a girl I knew from work, obviously, and from school.

She wore tight leather pants and a black corset on top, making her look different than usual.

'What's up with the clothes?' I asked while tying my wet hair in a messy bun.

'Well, I'm leaving earlier tonight, because I'm going to a party with Brad.' She said proudly, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder.

I nodded slowly in response and put a thumb up.

'That's fine... have fun with that piece of shit.' I muttered, receiving an offended look from her.

'Brad isn't a piece of shit, he is hot, and handsome and he is on the soccer team.' Charlie put her hands on her curved hips and looked at me like I was crazy.

Brad, in fact, was a piece of shit, he treated girls like garbage except his girlfriend, but being his girlfriend was a hell too since he wouldn't allow you to talk to other men and even women.

'Alright, whatever you say Charls... just don't come back to me to complain about how right I was.' I chuckled, making her roll her eyes with a smile.

'I won't, don't worry about me... Do you think you can handle the shop on your own?' She asked while grabbing a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of her own jacket.

'Yeah, night shifts aren't that difficult.'  I answered calmly, although I was nervous about what possibly could happen. I still felt drowsy and had a terrible headache at the moment.

Charlie handed me a cigarette as well and lit both of them, taking a long drag of hers. I followed her lead and did the same.

'Alright, then I'm leaving within a few minutes, call me if something is wrong, babe.' She patted my head and I nodded a bit.

'Yeah, I will, you have fun with Brad the brat...' A scoff left her mouth and she laughed softly.

'Whatever Bea, I hope an old man will come up to you tonight, asking what dirty videos you would recommend to him.' She grinned, taking another drag.

'Ay, like that never happened before, well poor them. I haven't watched that kind of stuff yet, so I can't recommend anything.' I stuck my tongue out at her and closed my eyes hypocritically for a second.

'You're such a basic virgin, go get a boyfriend girl.' Charlie mocked, looking at her old phone for a moment.

'I'm not waiting for that yet, you know that.' I muttered, walking over to the rickety table to sit on it while taking another drag. She cackled softly and pricked her finger in my direction. 

'Alright, whatever you want, but I'm leaving, this shop is boring as hell, see you later.' She said while slipping hair arms into her leather jacket before she walked out of the canteen, swaying her hips dramatically like she always did. 

With a deep sigh I moved myself towards the counter of the shop and leaned on the wood since we didn't have a chair behind it, weird enough. 

I looked up from my phone when a customer entered the shop, his appearance giving me the chills. He strolled slowly past the cabinets with CDs and video tapes, his eyes not visible for me due his cap and bangs. 

Shoving my phone in my back pocket, I stood up from the counter while keeping my eyes on the stranger. He disappeared in the "red section", which meant that he was going to look for something that was 18 plus. 

After a few minutes, he still wasn't back, so I decided to take a look. While taking slow and quiet steps, I walked past the aisles, trying to find out where the guy had gone. As I entered the last one, I still didn't see him. 

'Do you work here?' A voice from behind me said, making me yelp and turn around with a little jump, cursing under my breath. I looked up at the tall and slender man in front of me, noticing some dirty spots in his dark gray shirt. My eyes slid further down the man's body. Black pants with boots under them, both covered in mud. 

'I think I asked you something.' The man took a sudden step forward, making me stumble back a little while looking up at his face. Unshaved and dirty, his eyes cloudy and dark. 

'Well, yes, I do work here...' I muttered in response, avoiding any more eye contact with the freak. I expected him to ask me something, but he stayed silent, strangely, so I slowly looked up again only to see that he had already turned away from me and was looking through some disks. A deep sigh left my mouth and I shuffled away from him slowly, going back to the counter.

'I want this.' The man shoved a CD about homicide and BDSM. I tried to keep my facial expressions under control and ended up with a shitty grin on my lips, like I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.  

I packed the thing in some paper to protect it and gave it to him as soon as he had paid. 


Steps echoed through the alley. My breath was short and loud, it hurt actually. I didn't know where I was going, but that didn't matter to me now. Escaping was what mattered. That corpse in the shop was enough for me to leave it, was it not that the man who did it was blocking one of the two exits, and he saw me when I left, chasing after me. 

 I ran out the alley, and suddenly the environment changed in the woods. Greater couldn't it get. I still felt like I was in danger, so I ignored the dark and kept on moving, listening for any sign of life that could possibly help me. 

After tripping over a protruding root of a tree, I hit the ground. Silence gathered around me and I quickly looked around for any sign of the man that was chasing me. When I didn't see anything, I slowly got back onto my feet, hearing rustling in the bushes a few meters away from me before I caught the shadow of the man with my eyes, ax raised high above his head.

A scream left my mouth, running criss-cross through the trees to avoid any injuries the man could do to me. Out of nowhere, I ran upon a road. Lights from an approaching truck shining on while the horns drummed through my ears. I was frozen in place, not being able to move away. 

The truck stopped just in front of my nose, leaving me wheezing but relieved. A sigh left my mouth as I wanted to walk to the door to see if the driver could help me with getting away from this place, when suddenly a sharp pain shot through my spine, my body tensing before I felt down forward, not able to move anymore due the ax that crushed my spine. 

Another scream left my mouth, out of pain and fear when the heavy thing got lifted off me as I got rolled over onto my back by the foot of the creep that had been chasing me. Without spilling a second the ax got raised again before getting slammed down onto my head, leaving everything black. 


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