31. Case Runaway.

12 3 67

Pov Asher Wilson

'I'm heading to Billie, momma.' I said as I pulled my jacket on, walking back towards the kitchen where my mother was sitting on the counter with a book on her lap. 

'Alright, darling, will you be careful?' She responded, looking up with her gray, big doe eyes, showing worry. 

I didn't go downstairs anymore yesterday evening, not even to have dinner with my mother and I could bet that worried her, which was understandable. I told her that I knew where a missing girl was and I just didn't give her any details and went straight upstairs. If I were a parent I would be worried too then. 

After doubting for a long time, I decided not to tell her any information about it yet. Yes, it was my mother, but she didn't have to know everything. And besides, I want to find Bea first before I tell her. Billie will be the only girl I share this information with for now. 

'I'm always careful, you should be too.' I answered while brushing my fingers through her thin hair. Gosh, she was getting old, and I didn't like that at all. 

She gave me a soft smile in return and nodded, pecking my forehead as a sign that I could go. After pecking her cheek in return, I zipped my jacket up and got to the front door. 

I decided I would meet Royce in the Parrington Lawn first before going over to Billie's place. I needed that chloroform before doing anything else, because if the police wouldn't believe me I would go there myself and get Bea out to prove them all that I was right.

And to prove to Bea I would do anything for her. To show her how important she is to me. I couldn't wait to see her again, but I was scared for her state, and whether she was still alive or not.

A deep sigh left my mouth as I walked down the pavement, pulling the hood of my hoodie over my head. It felt illegal to meet up with a dealer, it was illegal to meet up with a dealer. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I want to do something so bad.

The walk from my house to the Lawn only was 5 minutes, but because of my trudge it took longer than that.

A heavy feeling flooded over my shoulders by the first steps I took in the park, looking around carefully if there were any other persons walking around here, but that wasn't the case luckily. Probably because it was cloudy and it looked like it could rain any minute.

My steps got smaller when I saw a broad and tall man standing in front of the Parrington Hall, the place where I would meet up with Royce.

The man didn't bother to pull a jacket on and was standing there in dark blue pants and a black compression T-shirt, the seam around his biceps screaming to burst as the man tensed them when he raised his hand at me, signaling me to come closer.

My eyes shifted over the muscled chest of the man before looking at his pants. His knees had dirt spots on it and his boots were covered in dirt as well. So he had been somewhere with a lot of dirt and mud.

I stood still beside him, clearly uncomfortable because of this whole thing.

'You wanted chloroform?' The same low voice I heard on the call yesterday asked, his dark colored eyes piercing through mine.

The bruising around his right eye told me he had been beaten, and so did the cut on his cheek.

'Yeah... that was me...' I answered, looking away from his eyes. I couldn't keep eye contact for a long time with people, and especially not with guys twice as broad as me and a head taller. It was almost terrifying.

'You've the money?' He asked calmly, his gaze not focused on me anymore as he grabbed a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, lighting one.

With a short nod I stuffed my hands in my pockets and took the amount of cash he asked for out of them, holding my hand up at him.

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