2. Pep Talk

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Pov Bea Hopkins

While watching a bird outside in a tree, I didn't pay attention at all to the lesson that was going on in front of the classroom. Normally I would pay attention since I love biology, but last night sucked, and I couldn't get myself to focus on the stuff mister Benson was explaining. 

It wasn't interesting anyways, though, since we were now at the chapter "Ecology", what did I care? 

Another sigh left my mouth as I rested my chin on my hand, watching how the bird flew away when Billie nudged her elbow against my arm. 

'Huh?' I muttered, looking up at the girl confused before noticing that mister Benson was standing in front of my desk. 

'I was talking to you, Bea.' He said, his voice stern as usual, but his eyes showed care. After rubbing my eyes extensively, I sank back in my chair and looked up at him.

'Sorry... I wasn't paying attention.' He nodded his head and tapped his pencil on my desk. 

'I would like to speak with you after class, something is bothering me and I would like to hear you out on it.' He said, which raised my curiosity. He probably had something interesting to say since he was my counselor as well and he didn't pick students often for a talk after class. And if he did it was for something serious and no fun. 

I nodded my head slowly in response, not looking forward to it. He gave me an acted smile in return and walked back to his desk, where he continued his lesson.

'Are you in trouble?' Billie whispered while looking in her textbook. I shrugged and sighed inaudibly. 

'I don't know... but it's probably about my grades or something since they're dropping again...' A soft chuckle rolled over her lips which made me look offended at her from the corners of my eyes. 

'Don't laugh at me, I can't help that I'm not each teacher's favorite student like you.' I murmured, slapping her thigh under the table with a thud, making her huff. 

'That I'm a top student doesn't mean that they favor me and give me higher grades then I should actually get, we are in an exam year remember? That's very serious and all.' She said, making a sassy gesture with her hand. 

'Billie, can you shut your mouth, please?' Benson said, shooting a playful glare at her like he always did, making her chuckle soft before shutting up. 


As said, I stayed over at Benson's class like he wanted me to. Billie gave me thumbs up before she closed the door as she was the last to leave, leaving me alone with the young teacher. If I had to guess his age I would say between the twenty-five and thirty. 

Benson turned his computer off before he walked up to me, sitting in the place where Billie had sat before. His gaze was calm, which was comforting, luckily. He leaned back a little against the backrest, spreading his legs into a manspread. 

'So, I wanted to talk about a few things, if you don't mind.' He began, drawing with his finger over the wooden desk in front of him. 

Two things I noticed about mister Benson since the beginning of this year was that he found it difficult to keep eye contact with people and that he was always busy with his hands or was walking around. 

'I'll barge right in with the first thing, your grades aren't too good, are they?' He started, his brown eyes looking into mine shortly as a sigh rolled over my lips. 

'Yeah, I know...' I muttered, not knowing what else I could say about it. 

'How come?' Was his next question, not so surprisingly. I shrugged and cracked the knuckles of each finger while thinking about an answer. 

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