17. Mind Your Own Business

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Pov Asher Wilson

I knocked calmly on the door from the biology classroom, knowing mister Benson was in there. 

This morning I woke up and the first thought I had was that I should find contact with Bea's counselor. I mean, if someone knew things about his students, then it was him, because he's more like a detective than a teacher, especially if it was about girls. 

No, I weren't calling him a pervert here now, but yes, he was more in contact with girls than with boys, but maybe there's a normal reason for that, which I couldn't think of though. So yes, maybe I actually do call him a pervert, my bad.  

'Come in.' Benson's recognizable voice said, making me do as he said. I pushed the glass door open calmly and entered the empty room, seeing Benson sit back in his desk chair with his feet upon his desk, chewing on the end of a pencil. An uncomfortable smile forced itself on my lips and I shuffled closer sitting at a table in front of his desk. 

'How can I help you, Asher?' He asked before clamping the pencil between his upper lip and nose, looking at me like he was doing the most normal shit ever. I stayed silent for a moment, wondering what the hell was going on in his head. 

After giving him a weird look and scratching the back of my head I hummed in response. 

'Uh, yeah, I guess I just wanted to talk about Bea, you were her counselor right?' Not even a second later I finished my sentence, Benson already groaned and put his feet back on the floor, sitting a little bit straighter into his chair. 

'Look Asher, I know you're totally into that girl and want to have her back, but you shouldn't ask me for information about her, that's rude and it's inappropriate.' He told me, pointing his pencil at me, giving me the most insulting look he had ever given someone the years I had known him. 

An offended feeling formed in my body and I lowered my chin a bit, looking annoyed at the child acting man in front of me as he pulled one of his knees to his chest, swaying his chair slowly from side to side. 

'I don't think it is, and you didn't even hear me out yet.' I grumbled, fidgeting a little with my shirt. He huffed and rolled his eyes like a sassy high class teenager, making me ask myself why I started this conversation with him anyways. 

'Well, tell me your questions or whatever you wanted to say then.' He said with a sigh, crossing his arms. I silently looked at him for a while, thinking about what I could possibly say without getting an useless answer from Benson. 

'Well, did you maybe notice if Bea's behavior changed days before her missing?'  I asked curiously. I mean, Bea was an only child, had a difficult situation at home, didn't like school and especially me not really much so what if the case was that she was depressed and did the worst thing to think of...

No, I shouldn't be thinking so far, but it did make sense though, now I was thinking about it anyway. A sigh left my mouth and I looked back up at the teacher in front of me, who seemed lost in his thoughts as he moved his finger a little in the air like he was writing down something, mumbling without a sound to himself.

With an raised eyebrow I watched him while waiting for an answer, which I didn't seem to get soon. 

'Well?' I asked a little impatiently, earning an annoyed look from the man. 

'I was thinking, okay? But I don't know. Her grades did drop though, the last few weeks. And she seemed more distracted then usual, like her mind was with something else, in a negative way...' He muttered, twisting his pencil between his fingers. I nodded slowly and tapped my finger on the table softly. 

'Do you know if anything was going on maybe?' I asked, wondering if I missed something. She was more tired and quicker annoyed by me than usual, that for sure but I hadn't seen it as a change in her behavior, while it might have been. 

'I don't, Asher, and if I knew, why would I tell you?' He snickered softly, definitely trying to offend me again. 

'Well, because I'm her friend, and I want to find her.' I muttered, squinting my eyes a little while pouting slightly without noticing myself. 

'You? Sorry but tell someone else that Asher, I have heard from her physical education teacher you always bother her during the lesson and sometimes even hurt her, you ain't her friend.' He said, raising his voice slightly like he was angry at me, which I could understand if that was the case, but I already got suspended for a few days, so he could fuck off. 

With a desperate sigh I flipped my hair back and looked away for a second, trying not to react angry in return. 

'I know what I did, Benson, but I apologized as well, for everything, and I can tell Bea knows how sorry I am.' I huffed with a clenched jaw while pricking my finger on his desk, receiving a scoff from him. 

'Right, of course she does, but I won't help you further Asher, not that I know much anyways, but also because you're just a brat, let the police do their work, not you.' He said, sitting up calmly. With a groan I got up from my chair, hanging my bag over my shoulder. 

'People change, Benson, just know that I care about her and that I know that I have hurt her more than a million times, she has to come back and I would rather stick my nose in that case then sit back and wait.' I muttered, turning towards the door after. 

'I know, Asher, and I believe you, but just give it some time, won't you?' He said back, calm again. With a nod I stepped to the door and pulled it open. After muttering a "bye" at Benson, I walked out the room, only to get pulled back by the collar with some force. 

'What the hell do you think you're doing, Asher?' Riley's familiar voice said, making me look over my shoulder while rubbing my throat annoyed. 

'What are you talking about?' I hissed, feeling like to punch her just because of that bitchy look she gave me. She just had to disappear, Bea not. She huffed hypocritically and put her hands on her hips, shooting me a nasty look. 

'Are you seriously asking teachers about Bea now too? You creep.' She said in a high pitched voice, making me wonder if she wanted other people to hear this conversation as well so everybody would find me a freak. 

With a huff I rubbed my face and crossed my arms, licking my lower lip slowly. Riley was the most annoying person in this world for sure, even more than Dustin was. 

'Yes, yes I am, and what about it, huh?' I grumbled, suppressing the urge to push her on the shoulders so she would fall backwards on that jiggly ass of hers. She shook her head, laughing at me, which annoyed me even more since she had a weird laugh. 

'You really gotta stop trying to get information about her, you ain't stalking her, are you?' She huffed, putting her serious face back on. I was sure that she was good at manipulating people. 

'Well maybe you should stop walking after me to see every little thing I do.' I hissed, stabbing my finger against her sternum, receiving a slap in the face in return. 

'Just fuck off already, Asher, keep your nose out of this...' She muttered, glaring at me while hanging her bag a little better over both her shoulders as she walked around me. 

'You're probably only trying to cover up that you have to do something with her disappearance, but I see straight through you.' She added without looking at me, making me huff surprised. 

'Oh so now you're gonna blame me? Sure, go ahead, but just know I have nothing to do with this, I'm only trying to help, bitch.' I cursed angrily at her, not tolerating the fact she blamed me for something so cruel. 

She simply stuck her middle finger in the air shortly before walking to the stairwell, disappearing around the corner. Just before she was out of my view, a piece of paper fell from her pocket. I moved over to it silently and snatched it off the floor, seeing it was a phone number from someone and with block letters above it was written DEALER. 

A snort left my mouth and I stuffed the paper in my back pocket, shaking my head. So our little princess was a drug user, how good to know, if she only dares to spread false rumors about me she could expect something in return now. 


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