7. Interactions

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Pov Asher Wilson

I watched the couple for a moment, following with my eyes where they went. It looked like Bea was complaining about something to the woman, who probably was her mother since they looked like each other.

They walked a little closer since they had to get to the parking lot and I now noticed there were some bruises and wounds on Bea's face and arms for as far I was able to see. A frown formed on my face and I tilted my head slightly. Something serious clearly had happened to her because the hospital isn't a place you just go for fun. Unless you work there, obviously. 

With the next step I put down while looking at Bea interested, I bumped hard into a lamppost, my head smashing against the iron with a thud. 

Cole laughing and scowling at me in public was maybe the most embarrassing thing ever in life, because he always makes things bigger than they actually were and acted like I was the dumbest person on earth he had ever met. 

I leaned with one hand on my knee, using the other to rub over the spot of my head that got hit while glaring at Cole who was about to roll over the fucking sidewalk due laughter. He seriously had zero humor and was one big sadist, yet I could like that about him now and then, but absolutely not now since I was the one hurt. 

'Shut up dude.' I muttered annoyed, close to pushing him on the busy road. He rolled his eyes with a mischievous grin on his pierced lips and tried to keep his mouth shut. He only managed it for a few seconds before he hid his mouth behind his hand and spluttered it out again. 


Pov Bea Hopkins

Watching Asher walk into a lamppost and seeing his friend laughing at him probably was the best thing I had seen this week. 

My grumpy mood from seconds ago had eased away the minute I saw what had happened and I never had laughed any harder about someone getting hurt as the way Asher did. My mother didn't understand why I was laughing, but when I crouched down while holding my arms around my tummy she started laughing too. 

After minutes of gasping for air, I managed to get back up and looked at the place Asher and the other guy were standing. Manbun guy was casually leaning against the lamppost with crossed arms and a smug smile on his face while Asher seemed like he was scolding him. 

He's such a hothead. 

I chuckled softly and laughed again when the guy nodded his head in my direction, making Asher turn his head almost 180 degrees with a stunned expression on his face. Covering my mouth was no longer useful because the poor guy had already seen me laughing at him.

The way Asher put his hands on his hips offended and pressed them forward after, leaning with his back backwards a little made me crack up more, dragging my mother with her arm along to the car, wanting to hide from the two. 

I sank into the passenger seat and groaned deeply, my ribs hurting from laughing. My mother settled down beside me and turned on the car, driving off carefully like she always did. 

The way I locked eyes with Asher when we drove past him could have killed me right on the spot. His eyes relaxed and the corner of his lip quirked up into the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen. 

My mother chuckled and squeezed my knee softly. 

'Do you know him?' She asked, being in her curiously-mother mode. I hummed softly and watched through the side mirror from the car how manbun dude hooked his arm around Asher's neck.  

'Hmm... Yes I do.' I muttered. It felt incredibly good to have this kind of interaction with Asher, even while we didn't talk. The look on his face said enough and it made me doubt a lot of things. Was he really bullying me or was he just searching for interactions with me, for example. 

'Are you going to give me more details maybe?' She chuckled softly, glancing at me shortly before looking back at the road. 

'Well, I share some classes with him. He's usually pretty bossy and annoying towards me, but the last two times we saw each other were slightly different.' I muttered, a smile appearing on my lips while talking about him which was something real new. 

'I see, and what is his name?' She asked, making my grin bigger. 

'Asher, Asher damn Wilson.' 


I was sitting at the dining table, trying to make my father eat his lunch. The doctor had prescribed him new medication for his depression, but it only made him sadder and more stubborn, causing him to no longer want to eat. 

'Please dad? One little piece and we will be done, then you can sleep again.' I muttered, holding a fork in front of his mouth. 

After dropping my whole heart to my mother in the car about the boy I was supposed to hate and my other friends, we had come home where father was making a mess in the kitchen because "he was angry at the food in there". It made me sad to see the man who was supposed to take care of me like this, but with all the love in me I didn't mind taking care of him. 

He would stay my father no matter what and I would love him unconditionally. 

As a stubborn toddler, he shook his head and crossed his arms, looked away with teary eyes. A desperate sigh left my mouth and I thought for a moment, trying to find a way to help him. 

'You want to put it in a blender and mix it maybe?' I asked gently. He was having only fruits right now anyways, so making a smoothie from it wouldn't be a problem. His eyes lit slightly up and he rubbed a tear of his cheek, nodding slowly. 

A smile formed on my lips and I ruffled his hair soft before getting up, grabbing the bowl of the table. 

'Are you coming? Then we can do it together.' I suggested, waiting at the counter for my father to follow. As I gave him instructions for what to do, my mother walked in as well. 

'Sweetheart?' She asked, holding her phone in her hand. I looked up at her and nodded calmly, wondering what she had to say. 

'You have therapy tomorrow morning in school through your first class, don't forget that okay?' She said calmly, making me grunt. If there was one thing I wasn't looking forward to it was that. Therapy did work well, but I didn't know how to turn my thoughts into words and Miss Anderson loves to ask me the most ridiculous and difficult questions every single session which mostly causes me to cry. 

'No no, I won't forget it.' I muttered, shooting a small smile at her. The fact I already had to go to school tomorrow again was extremely disappointing. I had hoped they would keep me a little longer at home due my concussion and fucked spine. 

The doctors said it was extraordinary that I didn't break any bones, but I did have some bad bruises which meant I couldn't join the PE lessons... which was heaven for me. I hated PE with my whole heart and I would do anything to avoid it. 

After a while I was done with my father and I moved upstairs, needing some rest for myself. I dropped onto my bed and inhaled my own familiar scent deep. The hospital bed was nothing compared to my own, I was happy that I was home again. 

With my eyes closed I enjoyed the silence, feeling a lot better then nights before and I hadn't seen any hallucinations yet today, which was a real good thing to me. It made me feel peaceful and calm again, and I haven't felt like that in a long time, so I was grateful for that. 

I inhaled deep and nuzzled my nose in my soft pillow, drifting off to my own little world with my own nice imaginations.


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