10. From Bad To Worse

15 3 79

Pov Bea Hopkins

With small steps I slumped down the sidewalk towards my house. My head still hurt like crazy, but the bleeding had stopped so far, luckily. My thoughts were still with Asher, it was the first time I ever saw him emotional, let alone crying. I never expected him to follow me when mister Gruson told him to, but yet he did. 

It surprised me he didn't hug me though. 

While crossing a road opposite my house, a car honked loudly at me which scared me to death. With my heart thumping loudly in my chest, I rushed the last few meters over the road and pushed the front door open quickly, slamming it shut behind me. 

Cars were something that would always trigger my flashbacks and PTSD, especially when they were noisy or when they honked at someone or something. I lowered my head in my shaky hands while slumping down against the smooth wood of the door and exhaled deep. 

With a deep grunt I hit my head back against the wood a few times and squeezed my eyes shut, feeling some stabs go through my head, but I didn't care. When my mind drifted off to my parents, I realized I was home alone right now. Mom was at her work and dad was with his brother because we didn't trust him to be alone in the house and my uncle lived close to us and on the route of my mom's work. So it was easy for her to drop him off in the morning and pick him up in the evening. 

A desperate sigh left my mouth and I got up slowly, feeling my head spin which caused me to crouch down again so I wouldn't fall to the floor. Maybe I had to clean up the wound and take care of it before I would pass out or something. 

With some grumbling I crawled towards the stairs and looked up at them to see if everything was safe. When I didn't see anything suspicious or weird, I slowly pulled myself on the stairs one by one, huffing softly. 

While peeking like I was crazy over the edge of the last stair, looking if there wasn't anyone at all up here, I moved over to get back up on my feet while leaning against the wall, rubbing my eyes. I didn't like being alone, never liked it at all. It made me even more paranoid than I already was, especially when I heard random sounds coming from nowhere. 

I wouldn't leave this house until I had found a partner to live with so I wouldn't be alone, I could never do that. 

After entering my bedroom, a strange scent caught my attention immediately. I covered my nose and mouth with the collar of my shirt and moved back to the opening of my room. The scent was so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it just yet. I left the door open while going to the bathroom to check out how bad I probably looked. 

Taking my time to pass the hallway, looking back anxiously when I seemed to hear footsteps. I gulped and slipped through the bathroom door silently, locking it after checking all the corners of the room to see if there wasn't anyone waiting for me. 


The evening had begun and I had woken up around eleven PM. To my fear, all the lights were still off and there had been no sign of my parents at all. Since my phone was still downstairs, I sneaked on tiptoe down to find it and see if I had any messages from my mother. 

After a few minutes of frantically rummaging through my school stuff, I finally found my phone and opened it, seeing a few missed calls from Dustin, Billie and my mother with some text messages coming along. Ignoring Dustin and Billie, I opened the chat with my mom and looked through the things she had sent me. 

She was in the hospital with my father. 

My heart skipped a beat as I read the reason why she was there with him and I covered my mouth with my free hand to prevent myself from saying things I would regret. 

I got up while rubbing the tears out my eyes and turned to the door that led to the living room and kitchen. But instead of finding an empty doorway, I found a doorway with a broad shouldered figure in it that seemed like a man. 

I stared at it for a while, thinking it was just another hallucination, but little did I know it wasn't this time. With slow steps I moved back to the stairs, squeezing my phone in my right hand while keeping my  eyes on the motionless person. 

Just when I stepped backwards on the first stair, it moved straight ahead, coming up to me. I could see a glimpse of a white mask and a checked blouse before something hard hit the side of my head, making me stumble and fall down on the stairs, head hitting the wall and the rest turned into a silent black hole.


Pov Dustin Mccoy

It had been around half past eleven and Bea still didn't pick up any of my calls nor respond on my texts. I could see that she had been online shortly around eleven for the last, but she hadn't seen my texts yet. 

It worried me badly, Bea wasn't the type that left her people long on delivered or didn't pick up calls. My mother hadn't allowed me to go out to her house anymore since "it was already too late", but I couldn't care less about that. 

If something had happened to Bea without me knowing it would make me feel guilty for some reason. I had heard from Billie that something had happened with Asher and my girl while they were in PE. Billie herself didn't know exactly what had happened, but she had said that a friend of hers who happened to be in Bea's class during PE had said that Asher had pushed Bea, causing her to leave the class with a bleeding head and in tears. 

Knowing Asher's mind, he had bullied her again as usual, but now a little too far since Billie had mentioned that Bea was bleeding when she left the class way too often and it only made me freak out more when she did. 

Together with her and Riley we went to mister Gruson when all our classes were over and asked him if he knew where Bea went and what Asher had done, but he refused giving us any information and called us  "ill-mannered brats" because we sticked our nose in someone else their business while Bea is just our best friend.

We had to get Riley away from the teacher before she would scold him until she got detention.

Laying crossed on my bed with my head hanging upside down off the edge of the bed, I was staring at the screen of my phone, showing the chat with me and Bea and all my messages. I had been worrying about Bea for a longer time now already due to the things she had told me. 

How she kept seeing Liam, how she always takes care of her dad on the weekends and on Thursday since she doesn't have much classes that day. How she told me how her PTSD got triggered more often these weeks and how therapy was something difficult for her to deal with. And the hallucinations she was talking about lately worried me even more. 

It couldn't be normal and I just hoped nothing bad had happened to her like a few days ago when she fell off the stairs due one of her hallucinations. She didn't tell me in detail what had happened that night, but I didn't care about that, all I cared about was her and her health. 

With a sigh I turned my phone off and closed my eyes for a minute, taking my time to clear my thoughts and breath deeply. 

Not allowed to leave the house for the one I would sacrifice my life for, what a bullshit, mom, next time I won't listen to that again after tonight. 


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