18. Strict Fathers With Information

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Pov Billie Edwards

As I walked up the stairs calmly, Riley walked past me quickly, not giving me a single glance. She seemed like she was in a hurry, so I couldn't blame her for it, I guess. Me and Riley haven't ever been as close as both of us are with Bea, so yeah, that maybe was something too. 

I shrugged my shoulders to myself and entered the hallway on the second floor, seeing Asher talk to himself while pointing annoyed at a wall like it was someone. A soft chuckle left my mouth and I watched him for a moment, trying to hear what he was saying. 

'That's right bitch, go cry about it to your daddy, boohoo.' He huffed as he threw his bag on the ground and kicked the wall, making me laugh. His eyes found mine and he scrunched his nose, crossing his arms. 

'What are you looking at, hm?' He asked with a raised voice, shuffling closer. I shrugged again, leaning against the wall with one shoulder. 

'Nothing, just wondering if you're doing okay up there.' I answered, tapping my index finger on my forehead. He rolled his eyes, but a little smile played on his lips. 

'I'm just being annoyed and angry.' He huffed, making fist of his hands to slam them against the wall. With a hum I watched him, wondering if it had something to do with Riley since she came down from this floor just a minute ago. 

'Wanna tell me maybe?' I asked, walking up to him to keep him from hurting himself by slamming his fists against the bricks of the walls. He let me do so and watched me from the corners of his eyes, squinting them a little which made me laugh silently again. 

'Don't give me that look, just talk...' I muttered, turning him away from the wall. 

'You're being kinder than the first time we met.' He huffed, putting his hands on his hips as he looked down at me. He was right, I didn't know why I was being kind with him, but I guessed I was just in a good mood at the moment, and nobody would be able to ruin that, or atleast, I wouldn't let that happen so quickly. 

'So what? I can go back to a baddie again as well, if you want me to.' I muttered, flipping my hair over my shoulder while sticking my nose up hypocritically. A groan left his mouth and he shook his head. 

'Please no, Riley and Dustin are being bitches already, I can't have you being mean towards me either.' He murmured, dropping his forehead against the wall while closing his eyes. I studied his body and facial expression for a moment and nodded a little. His shoulders were tense and so was his face. He didn't seem relaxed at all, more like he was fidgety the whole time, and he seemed pretty tired. Honestly, I never have thought about Asher in a hateful way. Of course, I didn't accept what he did to Bea but maybe he has his reasons for it, and I never really judged him for that I guess. 

I crossed my arms quietly and hummed softly. 

'I won't be mean to you, no worries...' I told him, making him look at me again as he raised an eyebrow, but the look in his eyes told me he was grateful for my words and my decision. 

'That's good... but in that case, the next time you see Riley, please push her off the stairs for me.' He whined, hopping a little from foot to foot. I shook my head laughing, standing straight up again. 

'Asher, violence isn't the solution to your problems, I hope you understand that.' I said calmly, making him whine even more. His pouting face was cute as hell and the way his voice got a higher tone was hilarious. Almost like I was discussing with a four year old. 

'Oh come on, you can't forbid me to hurt her.' He huffed, looking away hypocritically with closed eyes. After looking at him for a moment with difficulty, I sighed and shook my head. 

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