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I ate then went and took a shower finally after a few days of not showering, I went back downstairs and Derrick was gone Cathy was still here I went and sat down looking at her.

"So what about ummm whoever" I said

"Lyndsey Stinson you know her right?" Cathy asked

"I think I seen her a few times breifly" I said I didnt know her but I knew her husband some, just a nod as I drove passed their house but I knew what happen tho. Six months ago Barry Stinson had driven into an empty field behind the local middle school and ate a bullet. I didn't know much about the family - I just knew there was one.

"They're kids aren't doing so well they're seeing a counselor twice a week, and hardly speaks anymore. The school's talking about holding them both back," Cathy explained. She sounded sad.

"Do you know anything more about why he did it?" I asked

"No crimes, he wasn't fired, no embezzling, it's not clear what it was about. Apparently he'd been depressed for quite a while, but the underlying situation is still a blank as far as I know." Cathy said

"That nigga I mean man going out like that," I said.

"Yea." Cathy said

"And how does this all matter to me?" I asked.

"It doesn't. It doesn't have to matter to anybody. They're on their own. Alone." Cathy said

"No family help?" I asked

"Not that I know of. If they're around, we don't see much of them, that's for sure." Cathy said

"Cathy, how the hell do you know all this stuff?" I ask.

"People just like to talk to me. I'm a very good listener,she's my friend" Cathy said with a big smile.

"I see" I said and went to the door and walked out down the driveway and stood there looking down the street till I saw her house. I never looked before well I never came outside. But I looked at her house and her yard. The "For Sale" sign was a dead giveaway. The unkempt yard and overgrown bushes indicated a lack of care for months.

It couldn't help with the sales prospects. The door paint was faded, I thought the Realtor wasn't earning their commission, letting the place show like this. I don't know why I'm looking I don't care I dont need to help no one but myself.

* * * The next day* * *

When Cathy came over that morning, I was already up and dressed. I told her I was going out for a little while and that if she needed me I was going to be on foot. I left the house as Cathy did, I went walking to the Stinson house, once there I noticed the grass was dormant, but long, and the bushes were out of control. I didn't notice when Cathy came to where I was a few hours she had some sandwiches for lunch.

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