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Later that night I got out of her bed getting my clothes and left the room going to me. I got in the shower and washed away her smell, her touch, kisses. I was in there for about a hour washing and re washing till I finally got out. I went and sat down on the chair in my room resting my face in my hands.

I was sitting there hurt and lost at the whole thing. I been with a lot of woman all the others left me, Wait no this was different, Lisa I enjoyed my time with her, just as I did with other woman Michelle, Keaha, Rita, I knew my own nature I was kind and generous to my woman, but I had never been able to feel a genuine love for them in return.

Woman were intuitive and they had known how I felt before I had. I tried to force love and do what they wanted cause they said they loved me but I know love just hadn't found me, I thought I found her but it's clear she's just like the rest of them.

I got in the bed and went right to sleep. I slept till my alarm went off around 5 in the morning, getting up washing my face and putting on my shorts and packing my gym bag, I left the house. NORMALLY on Saturdays she had to work and I would be here with the kids well today she wasnt going to be able to dip.

I parked my car down the street from my house and went for my hour run to clear my head cause I needed it. My whole run I couldnt believe she did that to me. I mean yea she didnt have sex with him.

BUT I dont know if she did or didnt but he felt close enough to hug and kiss on her. The whole hour jog did nothing to calm my mind, I got back to my car, getting it cleaning my face and driving off. I went driving off to the next stop in my whole day out of the house.

"Shit," I muttered to myself when I pulled into the park parking lot at Langley Field. RJ was leaning against Royce's truck. I hadn't spoken to them since our meeting like a few days ago and my mind was too unfocused to deal with it now.

The effects of last night had followed me all day. I hated myself for being so cruel and leaving like that, but with her, and this job of hers there was no middle ground. If I would have told her I was going to go out today she would have been out the door at 5 just so I couldnt go out petty shit like that.

RJ smiled and tapped on the window. "Hey, wasn't sure if you were coming."

"Always do," I said as I grabbed my bag.

"Cool. Wouldn't be the same without you." RJ said

Royce zipped up his jacket. "Too cold for football. Gonna play basketball inside instead."

"You'd make a shitty Green Bay fan," Danny said.

"Don't like them anyway," Royce answered. He was sporting a hang over usually the first to complain about the weather. This was something we did every weekend, just us brothers.. Shaun tried to get Tony to show up but we told him it was just us 4 and he said he understood.

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