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Life was great Liam and Lilah are now 14 and Paris is 8, Liland is 7 and Nevaeh 6 and new to the family is Dominic Jr he's 3. I knew she was pregnant with him before she knew it which was funny, but even tho I never seen him. I was told how handsome he is.

I remember the day we made him it was funny cause I was in this funk a little and we was away on our yearly family trip, in the house was just me and Lynn. The kids were off with Jess and Rigora so me and Lynn had the house to ourselves.


Hot glass! PAIN! Horrible screams all around me. The squeal of tires, crutch of metal, hot liquid pouring down my face.

"Nicy! Nicy wake up!"

My hands clawed at fabric. Thin stuff it tears in my fingers. Soft skin, warm and hard with muscle, under my fingers. I turned screaming and crying without tears into Lyndsey's arms. She holds me to her chest as the shattering pain of loss made me want to crawl under a rock.

"It's ok Nicy. I'm here. I'm here. I'm not going to leave you. It's ok."

I cling to her wishing the tears would fall again like it did before but nothing now. Her skin warm against my face. I feel her hand brushing the back of my head. Her fingers soft, gentle, strong and protective as always I had been having these fits lately the doctor said it was normal. Slowly the sobbing stopped. The scent of her was filling me I love my wife now all I could see was her. Every one of my senses was filled with her. It was that feeling that pulls me back once more safe in my wife's arms but still trapped in the dark.

My arms tightened around her. At this point before she has been shoved away, slapped, hit closed fist, clawed at and once at the hospital, under the drugs influence, strangled not proud of that but it's getting better. She felt me tense up and didn't even flinch. Love wins and will always win.

I pulled her to me touched her face and kissed her hard. I love this woman so much that I can't get enough of her. She kissed me back just as hard as I was her and somehow we both fell out of the bed on to the floor. She groaned, with our clothes out of the way, I drove myself into her.

"Oh god Nicky! Yes!"

She was so very hot and after a few thrusts I felt her become much wetter. I thrust harder into her.

"Ugh. Ohhhh. Yes Oh Yes!" she moaned under me.

With a mad fury driven force I began to pound into my wife. I caught her hands and drove them to the floor pinning her down to the carpet. I leaned down and when my mouth found her nipple I sank my teeth into her breast.

Her cries of pain and grunts of pleasure echoed off the bedroom walls. Letting go of her wrist I ran my hands down her body till I got to her waist. Leaning back I brought up her thighs till her feet were on either side of my head. Wrapping my arms around her leg I drove myself into the wet gash at the base.

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