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I was sitting at the hospital in the play area I was looking around and I dont know what's going on here but something is wrong. Mommy woke us up crying telling us to get dress, then we went driving here. Mommy left us with Aunt Cathy she just smiled at us telling us it was going to be okay.

Something is not right here, I was playing with Erin but I knew something was going on that they wasnt telling us. I wanted to know I seen everyone but my daddy.. When I asked about him no answered me, I got up and walked out of the play area down to where I heard them talking. I saw Uncle Tony carrying Aunt Shaun out of the room, I stood there for a few minutes then went walking by the other room. I looked down the hallway and saw Taryn go into one of the rooms.

I stood there watching tell she came out telling a nurse he's okay. I wanted to know who was this he she was talking about. I waited then went running down the hall right to the room and went in closing the door behind me. The room was different I saw someone laying there and I walked closer to see who it was.

I felt scared really scared it was my daddy laying there with cords and things beeping, I was stuck in that one spot I couldn't move or anything. My daddy dead I said to myself as I looked at him. I moved closer to him I looked at his face it was all cut up and purple, black marks on him. He had these things wrapped around his head covering his eyes. I reach out and touched his hand and he gave it a squeeze.

"I was wondering if you was going to come see me... Or at least let me know you are in the room, princess" daddy said I smiled as a tear fell, I wrapped my hand around his arm. And started to cry,I heard him make a weird sound and I looked at him.

"Daddy your okay I was asking for you and they wouldn't answer me" I said

"I'm here I got in a little trouble but I'm here come on climb up here with me and lay down" daddy said and I did just that, he made the sound again moving as I laid down on him, he moved me some and I laid there.

"Daddy I love you and I dont want you to ever leave me if you die I wanna die with you" I said

"Dont say that please dont ever say that I love you too much to hear you say something like that please.... Lilah I'm fine okay" daddy said I kissed his cheek and I laid there with him. I love him he's alot better than Robert he's mean dont like me and Liam.

"Daddy can we come live with you please" I asked.

"I wish yall could I would love to have yall with me but your mother wouldn't allow that" Daddy said

"But I dont like it there with mommy anymore she's mean to us when she's around Robert or if she's talking to Robert and we really dont see her anyway." I said

"Where do you go?" Daddy asked

"Auntie Cathy comes over and sits with us. We see mommy on the weekends, I dont like it at the house mommy got. Why cant we just live with you" I said I touch his face feeling the cuts daddy made another funny noise and touched the hand that was touching his face.

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