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Later that morning I was up around 8 and was out and was taking me a much needed jog, nothing like a good jog to clear your head. I cleared my head I must have ran for about 2 hours stopping every so often to drink some water. Once I felt like I was good I turned and ran back feeling good, I was doing a good pace when I got back to the cabin when I noticed 2 cars parked out front I ran up to the house and went right in, the place was buzzing with voices. I walked in more right to the livingroom.

Where I saw people not just any people but Derrick, Cathy, Tony my brother in law. Then I felt a kiss to my cheek and a small hug.

"Hey little brother" D'Shawn said D'Shawn Shaun what she is called is my older sister she's just 2 years older than me. 'Eww your all sweaty but hey how was your run was it a good one?" I looked at her then everyone else my eyes landed on Derrick who smiled and turned his head.

"Yea it was umm dont take this wrong but what the hell are yall doing here?" I asked drinking me some water

"Well we got a free week and Cathy called me and said we should go up to the cabin and that you was here so I was like fine with me, get away from the city" Shaun said pushing me as I tried to give her a full hug she was laughing. "STOP YOUR SWEATY EWWW TONY HELP"

"Nawl baby you asked for that one" Tony said laughing.

"Where are the mutants at" I said looking around she hit my arm hard.

"They are in the play room playing with the other kids" Shaun said I nodded

"Okay I'll go mess with them in a minute I need some more water" I said and I was leaving the livingroom and I noticed Cathy was smiling at me.. She's up to something. I left and went into the kitchen

I walked in and stopped when I saw her Lyndsey she was putting stuff up. I stood there watching her, she was in her own world after she got done she turned around and we locked eyes.

"Hi" I said

"Hey umm I didnt know you was going to be here" she said I nodded

"Yea I didnt know yall was going to be here either..." I said we stared at each other. She went to move and accidentally knocked a wine glass from the draining board onto the floor, where it landed and broke into several pieces.

Lyn stiffened as she watched it fall; it was almost as though it was slow motion. She looked back up at me, but all she could see was Barry snarling in anger at her clumsiness. I reached out to see if she was okay, but what she saw was a fist flying towards her.

She screamed then fell to the floor and tried with shaky hands to get the glass up, still screaming, "Please Barry! I didn't mean it! No! I'll get it up, please"

I stood in shock. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever expect to see her in the state she in now. I crouched down next to her and tried to gather her into my arms.

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