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A few hours later, I awoke feeling more blissful and relaxed than I had in a long time. I remembered exactly who had given it to me and I turned over to snuggle against him. Instead I found his side empty. The sheets were cold, indicating he hadn't been there for a while. How long had I slept?

I looked around the small bedroom and located a watch. It was nine in the evening. Oh no, how could I sleep the day away like that? I got up, located my clothes, and pulled then on before tumbling into the kitchen.

I stared at him as he placed two plates on the table and poured wine into our glasses. He was only wearing his pants and that naked chest of his was still making my mouth water, providing I with a sudden need to lick him all over. As if hearing my thoughts, he suddenly looked up and gave me a wide smile.

"Good, you're awake. Then I didn't have to kiss you back from your dreams about me. Pity." he said

"You had plans?" I asked.

"Of course. A long list of sinful delights. And I intend to work hard to fulfil my fantasies." I said. He bent down and kissed me deeply.

I smiled at him. He wasn't tired of me yet, I thought as relief poured through me. I realised I had been a little worried when he had left me in my bedroom.

"You won't fulfil that list if you run from my bed," I teased him.

"I thought you needed to build your stamina," he winked at me. "Dinner is ready so have at it so we can start on my list."

I sneaked my hand around him and pinched his ass.

"So what's on this list of yours?" I asked

His eyes glazed over with want at the same time and I felt my breath hitch at this unmasked proof of lust. My pulse increased and I felt his dick hardening against my stomach. Suddenly he turned me away from him and steered me into a chair.

"Sit there and don't seduce the chef before dinner." He said then kissed my forehead as I laughed and tried to catch his mouth with mine lips. "Vixen," as he quickly escaped my clutches. "You need some sustenance," as he filled my plate with food.

"Ha, just admit that it's you who need the sustenance." I said he just smiled at me. He sat down we talked more as we ate. "Tell me more about your parents"

"Kiara is my mom's name, and she's going to go nuts over you, sweetheart. She's been complaining for years that she was not happy cause I wasn't happy with Rita. And believe me, she's been known to tell me alot to leave her and take the kids. She wants me to be happy." he said I watched his eyes he was happy talking about his mom.

"She sounds so sweet" I said

"She is you should see her and my dad go at it. He tries his best to be hard around her but it never works. Rigor is my dad. My mom doesn't pull her punches." he said

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