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Life couldn't be better I love being married I love ALL my kids... Work was booming I mean everything was and is going great I was laying in the when my alarm went off I reached off feeling for it cutting it off and I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes. Everything was looking a little blurry and as if someone was cutting the lights on and off slowly..

"Stop playing with the light please" I said it kept happening. "I SAID STOP!!"

"What are you yelling about?" Lynn asked

"Who's playing with the lights?" I asked

"No one all the kids are downstairs having breakfast you alright" she asked walking to me and I looked up at her she leaned down and kissed me.

"Yea I guess my eyes needed to adjust you know" I said

"Yea well breakfast is ready" she said I pulled her to me and kissed her stomach, no baby in there just wanted to kiss her... She left the room and I got up slow and the room was still doing it, the fuck is going on... I made it to the bathroom and took a shower, got dressed for work, coming downstairs the kids was all getting ready for school or daycare.. They stopped and came running to me hugging me kissing me telling me they will see me later and I told them the same thing.

After I ate breakfast we all left together, she drove the kids to school while I took the little ones to daycare, Liland talk his toddler head off daddy me to death. After I dropped them off I was driving on the highway and the samething started happening as if someone was playing with the lights again. I dont know what's going on but I called RJ.

ph)"Yea" RJ said

"Hey something is wrong I need you to meet me outside please I'll be there in a few minute" I said

ph)"You good... I'll be out here" RJ said

"Thanks" I said hanging up.. After 30 minutes I pulled up to the office and RJ got in the car looking at me.

"What's wrong?" RJ asked as I back out and started driving off.

"My eye sight is all fucked up, it's like someone is playing with the lights cutting them on and off on me shit is hella blurry.." I said

"Well pull over let me drive you headed to the doctor?" RJ asked as I pulled over and I nodded we switched seats and he started driving to the doctor's office. We talked the whole way there about work and the kids and he thanked me for helping him repair his father son relationship with Jess. But Jess still didnt move back home with him but they was on good terms now.

We pulled up to the doctors office and was the first ones there and we went in.. After sitting for I dont know how long I was finally seeing the doctor. He was giving me a eye exam, shinning the light in my eyes, doing different screening, IOP, B-scan. RJ called dad and told him where we was and why and of course my dad was on his way... He wanted to tell our mother but RJ begged him not too, cause she would be going crazy worrying and we didn't even know what was up.

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