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I got the call to come to the hospital and I went racing there, leaving the kids with Micka she came by. She said she didnt have to work so she was happy to help. Once I got to the hospital I stood more to the side listening and I couldnt believe it Dominic tried to kill himself. Why would he wanna end it like that.

We tried to see him but the doctor said no that he was on 72 hour watch, that there was no if or ands or buts about it. That he's on intense suicide watch they had to restrain him, also sedate him to prevent from hurting his self or the staff. He is being observed continually by a orally that is sitting in direct sight or arm's reach of Dominic. I was standing there, when I felt a arm go around my shoulder and they pulled me to them.

I looked and saw it was Rigor, he gave me a weak smile. I hugged him back I went to pull away but he wouldn't let me, he held on to me while we listened to the doctor. I did a quick scan around the room and I saw Londan standing there, the look on her face wasnt sad like the rest of us it was more like she was annoyed to be called here so late.

The doctor was explain to us what was going on and what will happen in the next 72 hours. And I felt beyond sick, not just this baby but with this going on this was my fault. I knew it I shouldn't have picked a fight with him, cause all he was telling me was true and I didnt want him to know that he was right. He was beyond right with it but I dont and didnt wanna believe it that it was true.

"Dominic was placed in therapeutic restraints, which is a four point restraint system. He is placed on his back on a mattress. His arms and legs are tied down, and a belt is placed across his chest. He is allowed a range of movement every 2 hours. He is released one limb at a time, and is allowed to move it for a short period of time; he is then restrained again and then they move on to the next limb. This process is repeated until all areas restrained have been moved. This process usually continues in 8-hour shifts, and the inmate has a face-to-face encounter with a mental health professional at least once in each 8-hour interval. This cannot continue for more than 16 consecutive hours." the doctor said

"Is this legal?" Evie asked

"Yes this is to keep him from hurting himself or anyone else..." the doctor said

"But Dominic wouldn't hurt anyone" Evie said

"He did to my orally when he hit him in the throat he collapsed his airway. We had to give him a tracheotomy. We know the pain he's going through so no police was called but we will have to keep him and do all I said cause we wanna make sure he doesn't do it again. Yall can return in 72 hours" the doctor said Everyone stood around a little I went to move again but Rigor wouldn't let me.

"How about me and you walk and talk" Rigor said I nodded and we went walking out of the room and down the hallway. "Psychopaths... people who know the differences between right and wrong, but don't give a shit. That's what sons are like. I wonder what they are doing when they know the right way to do things... I thought my boys was only like that but I see it in other people too" We got to a spot down the hall near a big window.

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