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I was sitting in this clothing store with my mommy and Lilah we left early this morning and had breakfast then we went to her job where she had to take papers or something all this was boring to me. The guy there was trying to talk to us and make us laugh but I just looked at him. He offered candy to me and, and Lilah neither one of us took it.

I heard him ask what was wrong, she told him we was mad at her which is true, we are. I don't wanna be here I just wanted to go and play with my daddy. I didn't want to be here, I normally like shopping with my mommy but I was mad at her. She took my daddy from me and wouldn't let me see him. We been away from him for like 3 months, I just wanna see my daddy.

"Sweet pea you like this shirt?" my mommy said and I looked up at it and shrugged. "You don't like it? I think it looks nice."

"Hmph" I sighed looking down at my daddy's bracelet. We walked around the store more boring. I don't like mommy right now me and Lilah held hands as we walked the store, had wasnt talking to mommy either. We shopped for what felt like 10 hours.

"Sweet pea what's wrong?" my mommy asked while she was changing my shoes.

"Hmmm" I sighed looking at the bracelet.

"Yall not talking to me? Is it about Dominic?" my mommy asked looking at us and we slowly nodded.

"I miss my daddy" I said looking at her.

"Me too" Lilah said real low.

"I know yall do and I'm sure he misses yall too but" my mommy said fixing my shoes.

"But mommy you don't miss him too?" I asked she kept her head down.

" I do but that's not important anymore we have to do stuff for us... I'm making enough money that we got our own house and our own things" my mommy said

"I love daddy, he's funny he's my best friend why wont you let him be my daddy?" I asked

"Sweetpea it's not that simple I promise it's not" my mommy said

"Yes it is, it is I want my daddy I want to be happy like we was when we lived with him. I want my daddy" Lilah said as she changed my shoes, putting them into the cart and we went walking off.

"I wanna be happy too" my mommy said and I didn't say anything back we to check out. She kept looking at us, talking to us but we wasn't talking. "Please tell mommy what yall want?"

"We want to be with our daddy, want a family like TJ and Alex got." I said looking up at my mommy.

"I just don't want yall to get hurt" my mommy said getting the bags and we was leaving.

"No you just don't want to be happy, daddy makes us happy" I said

"Come on we gotta go home" my mommy said unlocking the car door, we got in as she put the bags in the trunk. Once she got in we left I was looking out the window as we was driving. We came to a red light and I looked around till a car pulled up close to us and I saw him

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