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The next couple of days I had normal visitors but Lynn never came back. I wasnt mad or sad about it the shit I said to her was true. She needed to hear it, so I laid in the bed, I didnt feel like getting, I knew someone had walked into the room. I could hear them breathing so I guess it was the nurse. The nurse started to remove my clothes. Then I felt a wet sponge it threw me off a little, normally they tell me ahead of time.

"Sorry, it's time for your bath," came the hushed reply.

I relaxed, hoping this would be over quickly. I wasn't in the mood for the normal small talk the nurses made, trying to make sponge baths less uncomfortable for the recipient.

I sat still, wondering why this felt different tonight. The way the wet cloth dragged across my chest, slowing at my nipples, made me a little uncomfortable. Whether it was intentional or not, I was getting turned on. As I felt the soft cloth slide down my stomach, my erection became uncomfortably hard.

I tried to joke, "Sorry, I ... uh think I've been here alone a little too long." The nurse just shushed me and kept at her work.

She seemed to be dwelling on more sensitive spots of my body than normal and the whole thing was definitely moving slower. I was really getting agitated about my condition, but tried to relax and focus on something else. That changed when I felt her slip my covers lower and run the fabric slowly down my erection. I knew this was completely inappropriate.

"Listen, I'm sorry but ... " I said but was cut off.

"Just be quiet and let me enjoy myself," Lynn said

I tried to push myself up, "Lyndsey?" I asked

She pushed firmly against my shoulder so I would lay back down. "Listen asshole, I had to bribe the nurse $150 to let me give you your bath, so I want my money's worth, all right?" she said and I nodded. She washed me up, and she took her sweet time, but she did wash me up till I was good and clean. I didn't need no help getting dressed and the funny thing when she washed me up. I lost my hard on only because I didnt want things to go that road. So I thought about other stuff.

Once I was dress she put my shoes on me. I was getting ready to argue but she told me to let her do this. So she put my shoes on me and guided me out of the room she was in front of me. My hands was on her shoulders, she wasn't walking too fast or too slow a good pace. She was telling me everything we was passing, like a tour guide.

"Now we are passing the nurses station to our right, say 'Hello Dominic'" she said I turned my head to the right and put on my famous smile.

"Hello Dominic" I said and they all giggled.

"Even without his eyes he's still a total flirt" she laughed and kept walking. We walked for about 5 minutes till we got to a room. It was a warmer room and then I felt a chair behind my legs. "Okay sit down" I reached behind me and sat down, not sure what was going on. I felt a piece of paper lay on my hands.

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