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We went in to the kitchen she would look at me and I was just sitting at the counter pissed off, hurt, sad all of thee above right now, and the crazy part about all this I just got her to open up to me and this shit happens when I bring her here.

"GOT DAMN" I yell banging my hand on the counter making my mama jump.

"Nicky I'm so sorry" mama said and I just nodded.

"Why would you say something to her for in the first place I mean you know I asked her here. Not like Rita who I didn't care for brought her here and tried to play house and spend up my money, and use me." I said looking at my hands.

"I know Angel I'm sorry" mama said came and hugged me she went back to cooking. I sat there mess with my sisters when I heard laughing.

"DADDY" they yelled I saw Liam and Lilah come running into the kitchen I got down off of the counter and went to them. Hugging and kissing them, they as always talking their heads off.

"Here want a cookie" I said when they finally stop talking , I gave them each a cookie and they went to Taryn to go see what she had for them. I stood there for a few minutes when someone tapped me. "Hey Chloe I didnt know you was coming" I hugged her

"Your mommy invited me I was coming in here to see if she needed help" Chloe said We both went into the kitchen, I moved grabbing a loaf of bread.

"Lunch is almost ready so put the bread down," mama said smiling and waving a wooden spoon at me.

"I'm just going to make some toast –" I said but was cut off.

"Not in my kitchen!" mama exclaimed grabbing the bread out of my hands.

"It's just toast mama"

"No, Nicky. I love you but l have told you time and again I don't want to see you in the kitchen, especially when I am cooking. So turn yourself around wait till lunch." mama said

"Mama, I just..."

"Fire! You set my kitchen on fire! The only fire we have ever had in this house and it happened in my kitchen because you couldn't keep your fingers out of trouble," mama said as she was waving the spoon around frantically.

"Mama I was 6. It has been over 20 ago when will you forgive me?" I asked trying to sneak around her while my sisters and Chloe giggled. This was a common exchange between us when I came over. My Mama refused to let me anywhere near her kitchen, I had to sneak in or wait till she was too busy to see me.

"I haven't decided yet. Now out until lunch is ready,go bother your father" mama said while pushing out the door. Into the dining room where I stood there looking at her.

"Kicked out of the kitchen again, Nicky? I thought you would have learned by now," Evie said laughing

"Oh shut up, I'm going to go bother dad" I said pushing her she tired to grab me but I ran around and right out back with her a few feet behind me. I ran around with her following me, I grabbed DJ picking him up using him as a shield and he was swinging his arms and legs.

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