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I thought I was done but I wasn't Cathy made me come in showing me the door was a mess and needed to be fix. I went home and got what I needed.

Fifteen minutes later, I was running the battery powered hand-sander over the door, removing the worst of the existing paint. I didn't have too much to do, it was already mostly bare. I had brought over three possible paints to use, all of which I knew were approved by the homeowner's association.

"What color paint do you think I should use?" I asked Cathy.

"Let's ask Lilah I would say Liam but he's still sleeping he stays in that room so much wish he would come out to at least watch tv." Cathy said leaving then returned in a few seconds with Lilah at her side. "We're going to paint the front door, Lilah. What color would you like?"

We had a choice of off-white, light blue, and a dark brown. She pointed to the light blue, then sat down watching me, not saying a word just watching me.I looked over at Lilah watching me so intently. I looked behind her and saw Cathy handing a plate to small hands I'm guess was Lilah's brother. No kid should go through losing their father at such a young age.

I realized I'd stopped painting, and I was staring. A long drip of paint from my brush was running down the door. The little girl looked at me, almost as if she understood.

"Would you like to help?" I asked. She looked around, as if to ask if I was talking to her. "Yes, you." She shyly nodded yes. I reached over to my bucket of painting supplies and pulled out a small brush. I pointed to the inlaid panels on the bottom half of the door. "You can paint here, around the edge of the panel. It needs to be done with a detail brush like the one you have. Get into the cracks."

She nodded, dipped her brush, and started painting straight down the panel edge, doing a good job.

"That's perfect. Just like that." I said as I went back to work completing the top half, and had to work around her, sometimes leaning way over to paint above her. She saw what I was doing, and I saw the mischievous heart of a little girl for a moment when she started backing away from the door, making me lean further and further over.

"Hey!" I said in mock outrage. "You're doing that on purpose!"

When she giggled, apparently ignoring me, and continuing with her painting effort, I felt a small leap in my heart. It was nice to hear her giggle.

"When you're done with the painting, and done torturing me, you can paint around the edges of the two hinges and the kick-plate. If I won't be in your way." I said she nodded we was painting and I was talking to her about what I was doing and how good she was doing. I did look and see her brother stood there for a few minutes. "You wanna help we can always use another hand" he just looked at me then turned and walked away,holding a spider man toy.

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