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As I read the paper again and the limo door opened up and I looked at the paper again with tears pouring. I looked and saw Nicy dressed in a tuxedo, with a small blue box opened and the ring that was looking back at me.

"Nicy" I whispered and read the last line again 'WILL YOU MARRY ME and make my world complete?' I moved throwing the paper down going to him, he helped me out of the limo. "YES YES I'LL MARRY YOU, YOU ASSHOLE" He smiled and kissed me with everything in him taking mine and the baby's breath away. After breaking the kiss he wiped my eyes and he was smiling stilling.

"So yes to marrying me?" he asked

"Yes I love you so much 5 kids and counting" I said we both laughed

"One last question will you marry me today as in this very moment?" he asked

"Yes" I said he kissed me again and hugged me.

"Come with me" he said and he took my hand and we went walking into a building I wasn't sure what was going on.

"Nicy" I said low he kissed my forehead. I saw my Uncle William walk to me handing me flowers and Nicy walked away.

"It would be an honor to walk you down the aisle" William said

"I wouldn't have it no other way" I said

"He came to me, flew out to have lunch with me to ask me for your hand in marriage... He said even tho I wasn't your father but you loved me like I was. And he wanted my blessing and I knew the look in his eyes that he was telling me the truth about how he felt... It's the same look I had when I asked for your aunts hand in marriage.. So shall we?" William

"Yea I am I love him so much.." I said Once the doors open I stopped when I saw

I saw his family, my close close friends the kids well all the kids were there

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I saw his family, my close close friends the kids well all the kids were there. RJ was standing next to Rigor and on the other side Cathy was standing there. I was walked down the aisle and all I could do was look at Nicy. After the wedding and the reception we were on our way back to the villa.

"So Mrs. Brown how do you feel being engaged and married all in one day?" he asked

"I feel wonderful beyond wonderful I love you so much" I said

"I love you too" he said

"I can't believe it" I said leaning my head on his shoulder.. 3 weeks later after our honeymoon. Going into my 7th month Nicy was close by he didn't let me work late he kept an eye on me. They kids was beyond happy even tho they always called him daddy. But with us married he was theirs always and forever, I think Nicy like the idea.

Me and Nicy was in the store looking at baby clothes we are having a Boy Nicy was right, I hate it when he is right. But right now we were looking at outfits.

"I like this one" he said holding a hat putting it on.

"So stupid" I said laughing

"Lyndsey" a voice said from behind us. I turn around thinking it was a friend but it wasn't. It was Barry's parents what are they doing here.

"Oh no" I said

"Hi I didnt expect to run into you here I see your having ANOTHER baby" Barry's father James said

"I am excuse me" I said turning around

"Dont run off we wanna see our grandkids" Barry's mother Tiff said

"Lynn who's this" he said removing the hat from his head putting it in the cart.

"No one come on let's go" I said

"We're Lindsey's In- Laws" James said

"That's funny cause yall dont look like my parents since Lynn here is MY wife.. Who the fuck are you again?? Oh yall must be ole boy's parents, you know the one who hurt her and then had a craving for a bullet" he said the look on their faces almost made me burst out laughing...

"You will not talk about my son like that" Tiff said

"Whatever, anyway let's go baby and by the way your not seeing my kids. You wasnt there for them then, and you damn sure not see them now... Fuck out of here" he said talking my hand and we pushed the cart away..

We did do some more shopping and it seemed that where we went they followed us and I was ready to go but Nicy was going to let them chase us out of the store. He kept shopping till it was time for us to check out, we was standing in line after putting our stuff up.. He pulled me to him and started kissing me, rubbing on me, I was getting beyond turned on when....

"Lyndsey we need to talk to you" Tiff said we broke the kiss and Nicy pulled me behind him.

"Look leave her alone alright as her husband I got the right to protect her so fuck off you not seeing them and you not getting any money out of her so fuck the hell off." He said I looked passed him they both was staring at him, they looked defeated cause it was clear they wanted money from me....


I am now laying in the bed tired and emotional half awake and half sleep.. I just gave birth to an 8 lb 2.3oz baby girl, I looked to the right and watched Nicy holding her, with the brightest smile on his face.

Nevaeh-Lynn Kourtney Brown

I was trying to watch them both but I was too tired I just watched a little as he smiled and kissed, rocked her

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I was trying to watch them both but I was too tired I just watched a little as he smiled and kissed, rocked her.... I knew he was beyond happy to have another blood daughter again the smile he was showing was proof of that. The tears in his eyes were proof of that. I wanted to say something but I fell right to sleep...

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