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After I got myself together I went downstairs we was all in the living room they was playing board games and I knew something was up. When I walked in they all looked at me then Lilah came to me hugging me.

"I'm going to miss you" Lilah said

"Why are you leaving me? What did I do?" I asked she laughed

"No we going with Aunt Shaun" Lilah said and I looked at Shaun she came to me.

"There's this cabin not to far from him that haves a petting zoo and horses and it's a 4 day thing so we're taking the kids it'll be fun" Shaun said

"I dont think I want them away from me for so long" I said

"Mommy it will be okay" Lilah said hugging me.

"I promise it will be okay an plus yall 2 need sometime alone" Shaun said nodding at Dominic we both looked at him he was talking to Liam and happen to look at us.

"What?" he asked

"Nothing" we both said and giggled. After dinner we did a movie night we watch Ride Along, Sherk and Frozen after that they was off to this other cabin. After they was gone I went right to bed I was tired, Dominic came and checked on me before he went to bed.

The next morning after I got up I showered and came downstairs where breakfast was ready. We ate and talked alittle about different stuff, we were sat in the kitchen just after breakfast and I was reading the paper, I reached for my coffee without looking and knocked the cup onto the floor. I looked at the broken cup lying in a pool of spilled coffee and then I looked back up at Dominic. He was sat staring at me with an expression bordering on fear.

He whispered, "It's only a cup. It doesn't matter."

I half smiled, shrugged and agreed, "It's only a cup." I said he quickly moved round the table, hugged me and planted a kiss on my lips.

"I'm... I'm sorry Lyn." he said I considered what had just happened. I had broken a cup; something that would have earned me a savage beating from Barry had just earned me a kiss from Dominic. I liked it his breath was sweet and his lips tender. I carefully picked up his cup and looking him in the eye dropped it on the floor, then I held out my arms to him.

"Do I get another?" I asked

He laughed "I don't believe you just did that." he said

"I'll smash every cup in the house if it means that you kiss me again." I said He took my hands and pulled me to my feet and then placed his lips against mine once more. He started to pull away after a second or two, but my arms snaked around his neck and held him tight, prolonging the kiss. After he cleaned up the kitchen I notice he went outside, he was out there for about 10 or 15 minutes till I finally went outside to see what he was doing.

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