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Last week was a bad week for me but Dominic was there for me and the kids. Then got the shock of the world when he brought Paris around the kids loved her the moment they saw her. But when he told me what he did to get her I wanted to go to Londan and hit her dead in the face. Who sells their child for a car, and apartment and for money, shit ain't right. But she's a beautiful little girl tho, her and Liland are only 3 months apart.

It seemed as if time was passing by so fast and well the next few weeks I was a bitch to Dominic because he wasn't spending as much time with the kids so I was denying him to see them. I think it was because I knew his wedding date was coming and it made me sick to my stomach, but no one was talking about it really, so I was guessing they was going to the courthouse to do it.

One night I was going into the bowling alley with Cathy and her family of course my kids in tow, with Micka like we did every Wednesday when I heard that all too familiar voice talking to Travis Micka's boyfriend. "Yea I'm really here to play, can't wait who's team am I on again" he then looked at me and winked. That ass! He really had the nerve to come here tonight like him getting married was nothing! Unfortunately, they was just fine with it. The kids was excited to see him I ignored him fervently acting for all the world like he didn't exist. Every time I saw him, which was a few times cause he was a partner in my PR firm and was working with the firm as well. I would go home and masturbate like crazy to the thought of him fucking me silly, it was getting to be crazy though. My sexual urges were getting worse every day and I could hardly keep from moaning when I saw him, I wanted him so damn bad. But I was still too mad at him.

This continued for several weeks until one night after bowling everyone had left, the kids went with Micka, I was glad too I needed a break but I did notice Dominic didn't come I was low key looking for him. But anyway everyone had all left after we walked out to the parking Garage together as usual.

Only one other car remained to which I paid no attention. I was too busy trying to start my car, it was making horrible screeching noises every time I tried to turn the key and suddenly something loud popped and the entire inside of the car filled with smoke. I frantically tried to open the door but couldn't see a thing and it was locked so I couldn't just pull the easy to find handle, the lock wouldn't open up. Before I knew what was happening I was being pulled from the car and I could see Dominic just faintly before I passed out from the smoke.

** ** **

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed with the sound of light snoring to my right. I looked over and saw Dominic sitting in a chair besides me in the hospital. He was sleeping and heavily by the looks of it, like he really needed it so left him alone and was just about to press the button for the nurse to find out what happened when Mary walked in. she looked relieved to see me awake.

"oh thank god you're ok!" she said as she rushed to hug me "Nicy has been worried sick"

"What the hell happened to me?" I tried to ask as politely as I could

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