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Another day another dollar the work week/ weekend was in full force Dominic, and his brothers was working like the rent was due, I was running in and out of his office down to the next office giving and getting paper work. Right now I was standing by Royce's desk waiting for him to hand off some work for me to take back to Dominic.

"Okay okay.. Here you go" Royce said I walked to him to get it he pulled it back from me then smiled.

"Royce" I said annoyed

"I will let you have it once you give me a kiss" Royce said winking at me.

"I will have it once I file sexual harassment against you" I said

"You wouldn't" Royce said as he stood up and started to walk towards me, I was backing up, till I was against the wall he was feet from me. "I think you enjoy it, coming here in your short skirts and heels looking so fuckable."

"Royce move back" I said a little scared because he was known for taking things and not understanding what no means.

"Why I'm giving you this work sheet back" Royce said moving his finger as if he was about to touch my breast I slapped him. "Oh that's going to cost you bitch" he was about to hit me when I was blocked by Dominic who caught his arm. He pushed him back and stopped him.

"Nigga what the fuck are you doing? Huh how many times do we gotta go through this, we gotta keep giving out money to keep your drama silent" Dominic said

"I was just playing with her, here it looks good to me" Royce said handing him the paper he nodded, turning walking away grabbing me by the hand. We walked back to his office he closed the door and pulled me to him hugging me. I was shaking a little, from what I thought was going to happen.

"You all right?" he asked I felt his voice rumbling through his chest and I smiled being this close to him.

"Yea I'm fine he just scared me that's all" I said

"I'm sorry about that my brother got problems thinking with the wrong head sometimes" he said he gave me a squeeze then let me go I looked up at him, he smiled down at me. "If you wanna take the rest of the day off that's fine"

"No I'm okay to work just dont wanna have to go back there" I said

"You wont have to I promise I'll walk it over it I need him to see it." he said and I went back out to my desk. As the day went on I was typing up some files when.

"Excuse me Hi sorry to bother you but is Dominic in?" a lady asked

"Yes he is but he's on a important call would you like to leave a message for him.?" I asked

"I'll wait if that's okay" the lady asked

I pointed to the seats "That's just fine" I said I went back to typing and I looked at her a few times she was looking through her phone.

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