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That morning we woke up slow laying there, she was laying on my chest. I was rubbing her hair and kissed her forehead. I finally pulled away from her getting dressed and went out to get breakfast started. After we ate we packed up she was silent for the most part deep in thought I guess. We started walking and I did notice she was unsteady on her feet.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, sure. I'm fine." she said

"Sure about that? You seem to walk a little strangely," I asked as we was heading away from the camp site.

"Just a little sore, that's all," she reluctantly admitted.

"Sore huh? How sore?"I asked

Rolling her eyes "Sore enough thanks to you" she said walking pass me , I grabbed her arm stopping her making her face me.

"I'm sorry for hurting you," I said in a much more serious voice. "It wasn't my intention to be so brutal with you last night." She blinked at the honesty portrayed in my eyes and warmed immediately to me. "I'll be more careful next time if you'll give me a chance,"

"Thank you but it's just taking me a minute get used to it again." she said looking away from me, I turned her face to look back at me.

"Even so, you must promise to tell me if I'm being to rough with you." I said she nodded "And I promise when we get back to the cabin I'll rub any sore part of your body you have..."

"At what price?" she asked

"None I won't try and sleep with you if that's what your worried about" I said The walk back to the cabin was a long one she kept stopping cause her legs was cramping up on her. It was more than clear she wasn't used to walking far or long.

As we got back to the cabin a few hours later, I look to see how she was doing. She was still looking fresh, but her movements had become even stiffer as we got closer. The whole walk back I asked her if she wanted me to carry her stuff for herr, but each time she had turned it down and refused to let me help with anything other than handing her some water.

The woman was too stubborn for her own good, I got tired of watching her struggle so went to her taking her backpack from her she tried to fight me but I took it anyway. I knew if she took a warm bath it will help her but they way she was acting I knew she wouldn't go for it. I knew I would have to throw her in myself.

"You're just too stubborn, little soldier," I said she rolled her eyes "I want you to rest when we get in here, hear me."

"Ha, if I lay down I wouldn't be able to get back on my feet again," She said as she sits down into a chair on the terrace.

I pulled out my keys unlocking the door "You should take a warm bath, right now," I said.

"You mean I smell that badly?" She asked lifting her arm sniffing herself I watched her and smiled.

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