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It's been 2 months now and well sad to say that from talking to the doctor the Nicy was going to lose his sight and it was happening at lighten speed. He could fake it from what he remember but right now he was at my house. He wanted to come here so he could tell everyone else what was going on with him.

I was in the kitchen getting food ready Mama walked into the kitchen and stood there looking at me, I wouldnt look at her. I knew if I was she was going to get me to tell her what was going on and I wasnt going to do that. Nope she wasnt going to give me that look and have me spill my guts to her.

"Want some help?" mama asked

"No mama I got it" I said

"Okay so what's going on here huh?" mama asked

"I dont know what you mean I cant have my family here?" I asked

"Rigor Nadi Brown Jr" mama said

"Mama please" I said I dont like this she was going to break me. I was about to say something when I looked at the door. Nicy came to the door his hand was out a little, he touched the doorway and his arm was out fully now. "Hey little brother" I went to him and patted his shoulder.

"Hey I wanted to get something to drink.. I couldn't..." he said but stopped and turned his head to the right slightly. "I couldn't wait till we ate yet"

"I'll get you a beer, mama you want one?" I asked

"No thank you" mama said "Nicy what's wrong come sit down and talk to your mother" I was walking to the fridge but stopped and looked at Nicky he stood there for a few minutes and turned walking towards the table, he had his hand out a little. I got a beer and went towards him tapping him handing him a beer and really guiding him to the table and he sat down.

"What's up mama?" he said

"Nicy how you been?" mama asked looking at him he was looking at his beer so to speak.

"Good" he said mama watched him and nodded and she got up slowly and moved to the other side of the table.

"Nicy look at me please" Mama said he raised his head looking straight ahead, he blinked a few times then turned his head to the left towards mama but he still didnt look at her. "OH GOD NO" mama came around the table and went right to him hugging his head to her stomach. "No baby when? When?"

"Mama I'm sorry" he said she sat down in front of him.

"How long? How long Angel?" Mama asked touching his face.

"About 2 months now and it has gone worst." he said mama hugged him tight crying I hated seeing mama cry but there was nothing to do to stop her from crying...

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