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Later that night like clock work I was giving the kids their dinner and then their baths and they was off to bed Liam was in the room Royce's sons room J'Roy and Lilah was in Royce's daughters room Asia an Somaya's room. After I was done with them I took a shower and was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on the door.

"Yea" I said the door opened up slowly and it was Lynn. "What?" I lean down putting my phone on the charger.

"I just wanna talk if that's okay?" Lynn asked I walked back into the bathroom cause I wanted to brush my teeth. She followed me in here leaning on the wall. She just stood there watching me brush my teeth. I didnt say nothing while I brush it. I looked at her through the mirror she was looking at me up and down. After I was done and washed my mouth out and turned to look at her.

"What?" I asked annoyed I wanted to go to bed and just sleep.

"I dont know what to say" she said I looked at her like she was crazy.

"So you come in here saying you wanted to talk but dont know what to say. What do you want Lynn" I said

Lynn stepped close to me and placed her hands softly on my chest.

"I have no idea," she replied, smiling coyly. We were face to face and an incredible heat rose between us. Lynn's head was spinning; it was all she could do to stand before me. Her heart was pounding as she gazed into my eyes and tilted her head upwards to kiss my lips. Our lips met and her whole body ignited. She was on fire and could barely restrain herself but I didn't move at all.

I hardly kissed her back. She pulled away from me and looked into my eyes. I stared at her from under hooded eyes and just when she thought she was completely wrong about the whole thing I suddenly took her fiercely in my arms and pressed my wert mouth against hers, exploring every inch of her mouth.

My kiss tore passionately into her soul and she received me willingly. She wrapped her arms around me as I pressed her into the wall. My kisses became soft and moved down her neck to her chest, and cleavage. A moan escaped from Lynn's lips. She tilted her head back and let me ravage her.

My passion was fueled by the fantastic noises that escaped her lips. My hands slip up from her hips to cup her breasts. I kissed her mouth fiercely and pressed my hips into hers. She ran her hands along my flat stomach teasing me by running her fingers just along the inside of my shorts. I placed my hands on the wall behind her, bracing myself, begging her with his eyes to explore lower on my body. Lynn taunted my mouth with her tongue while her hand slipped lower and lower into my shorts. She slipped her hands under my briefs. Finally, she wrapped her hands around my hot, throbbing dick. I moaned as Lynn stocked and massaged me.

Lynn couldn't hold off any more, she wanted me in her mouth. She slide down against the wall and fell on her knees. I positioned myself above her and she pulled down his boxer brief to expose my hard dick. She took my dick in her mouth and ran her tongue over my smooth throbbing head. She enjoyed every moment sucking me. She licked up and down my shaft.

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