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I have to make it good so I can get this job and go back to doing what I love to do, before Barry turned everyone against me.

"Okay will you work here please, well just take a test drive come with us" Brandon said then we walked into a meeting with what was about 5 or 6 people in it and a guy was talking we went and sat down and I was listening.

"And he wont let us get a meeting with him" a guy said I raised my hand and this made everyone look at me. "Yea"

"Umm Have you called and tried other things?" I asked and the guy rolled his eyes.

"What do you think" the guy said and I looked at Brandon and he raised a eye brow at me.

"May I?" I asked

"Go ahead" Brandon said and I stood up walking towards the front.

"First you gotta know what he does which is what?" I asked looking at the guy.

"He sells beverages" the guy said with attitude.

"What kind do you know?" I asked as I was handed a Ipad and I looked the guys name up.

"The kind you drink" the guy said and some giggled.

"Jerome" Robert started to say but I waved him off.

"Really well as you see here" I said clicking the picture and it came up on the screen for everyone "He sells high in liquor not the kind you get in a low budget strip club you know but country clubs, high society events"

"Men only clubs" Jerome said smiling.

"Clubs I could get in before YOU could " I said and everyone laughed. "But know that he's divorced so some man coming to him he's not going to want to deal with call Mr. Byrd up for me please" A lady next to me dial the number and put it on speaker phone. I started walking back and forth while it was ringing.

Ph) "Hello Mr.Byrd's Office" lady said

"Hi I was wondering if Mr. Byrd in I really need to talk to him" I said

Ph) "Sorry but he's in a meeting and will have meetings all day" lady said

"I understand but can you do me a favor sweetheart" I said

Ph) "If I can" lady said

"Can you give him this msged that 5W PR firm and ask for Lyndsey Stinson at 717" I said and the lady next to me wrote the number down and slide it to me. "717-875-3959 ext 134"

Ph) "Okay will let him know" Lady said

"Can you give him the msged now and let me know he got it please" I said

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