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I was getting dressed I was so nervous I didnt know what was going to happen. Cathy took the kids for the night she told me I needed this time out and to come get the kids the day after tomorrow I just looked at her as she laughed. Right now I pulled down my dress off the hanger and step into it. It's a yellow satin A-line, v-neck halter dress that left my back completely bare down to a centimeter above my ass. It had a side split up to my hips that played peek-a-boo as I walked with whoever was watching and a rhinestone broach in the front holding the two pieces of fabric over my breast together to gather and tie behind my neck. Once I had my dress tied, I sat down on my bed to slip on my crystal embellished closed toe platform heels.

Only mascara and eye shadow for this girl. I thought to myself as I applied my subtle yellow eye shadow, wasn't too bright to have clown eyes but wasn't to light to not be noticeable on my brown skin. I kept my hair curly the way it was, with a few tendrils hanging here and there; I'd pinned it up to take my bath. As I stepped out my room to grab my clutch off the table by my door the bell rung. I looked up at my wall clock to realize it was 8 on the dot. I swung the door open and was met by Dominic standing on my stoop and a limo in the background with the driver at the open back door.

"Hi," I said after I watched him look me up and down slowly, and twice, with the look of pure animal lust in his eyes. He looks so good. He was wearing an all black tux with no tie and the first button undone.

"Hi." He said in his naturally smooth deep voice. "Are you ready to go?"

"I am," I said as I stepped out my door and turned around to lock it. We then turned and made their way to the limo. We talked a little on the way to the resturant but once we got there and got out we started to walk in. He was by my side before placing a hand on the small of my back. I in secretly swooned at the sweet protective gesture.

Once we were seated at our table, he reached across to hold my hand. I furrowed my brow in response to this action before I wiped my face clean of emotion to review the offered menu. He sat across from me and smiled at me. I smiled back at him,When I looked back at the menu of the trendy Mediterranean restaurant deciding on which of the appetizers to nibble on before he made the order for our dinner I realized that his hand was still warming my cold one.

Getting a little weirded out by this outward display of affection for me in public, I sighed before completing my appetizer choice and asked, "Is there something that you need Mr. Brown?"

He looked into my tired brown eyes, noting the other time he looked at a woman who said a similar thing to him so long ago. He gave me a warm smile before bringing her hand to his lips to gently kiss my knuckle. He smiled inwardly when he felt a small shiver go up my arm from his kiss before finally answering my question.

"I need you to enjoy yourself Lyn." he said as he held my hand close to his lips. I nodded as I sat there thinking the last time I went out like this was with Barry and he had the kids laughing loud to the point where people wanted us to either quiet down or leave.

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