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Alot was going on my dad having a heart attack my mom worrying and then me thinking about Lyndsey I did call her a few times but she never answer. I had to leave my house for a while and go stay with my mom just to keep a eye on her and to keep an eye on my dad making sure he's going to be ok. Recovering from a heart attack took several months to be honest 3 to 4 months and I wasn't home.

So it's now 4 months later and my father is finally well enough for me to leave and leave I did, I missed being home and I missed Lyndsey and Lilah and Liam I wanted to get home and go right to her house and explain myself in person. I been calling but no answer. Right now I was driving down my street and passed Lyndsey's house and it looked strange so I drove to Derricks. Getting out knocking on the door I waited till he finally answered.

"What's up man glad your back" He said I came in

"Uncle Dom" Erin said she came running to me

"Uncle Dom" DJ said as he came to me and Denice waved at me from the table where Cathy was feeding her.

"Hey.. D tell me what's going on with Lyndsey's house it looks like it havent been kept up at all I mean what's going on? I been calling her but she haven't answered me at all" I said

"Sorry to be the one to tell you but she moved her house was in foreclosure and she had to pack up and move" he said I looked at him.

"WHAT WHAT? When was this why didnt yall call and tell me?" I asked

"About 3 mouths ago." he said

"Where is staying at now?" I asked

"I don't know she came by and said bye we tried to get her to stay here with us but she wouldn't, she told us no, we even offered to take the kids for a little while but she still said no. I have no idea where she is" he said I looked over at Cathy she was strangely silent this whole time... She was always in someone business but right now she wasnt saying anything about her best friend.

"Cathy" I said walking towards her and Denice came to me I picked her up. "Cathy"

"Baby you know something dont you?" he asked

"I don't know nothing" Cathy said looking at her hands

"Liar you never this quiet even during Sunday prayers your still talking" he said she looked up at us.

"Okay I can't tell you I promise her" Cathy said

"Since when do YOU keep a promise tell me where is she?" I asked Cathy looked at me.

"She's living in apartment building that's all I know" Cathy said

"Still lying I see" I said

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