Chapter 58:Key to my lock!

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"Firstly, Megan..."

There was a soft murmur of regret around me. I glanced at the faces of those who still remained, some pale with worry, others with a determined set to their jaws.

"...lastly, Jake."

I flinched at the name, feeling a chill run down my spine. Jake, who had been so confident about the loophole, was now gone. His fate served as a stark reminder—this game wasn't going to let anyone out easily. The whispers grew louder, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife.

My eyes shifted to Nathan, searching for some sign of recognition or a shared understanding, but he remained as impassive as ever, his expression unreadable. The weight of everything started to feel heavier, and I knew—whatever came next would be anything but simple.

"Now let's begin with the rules of the second round:

You have 3 locks with you in this round of 15 players. Firstly, each player will be given a key card with a specific person's name. That card is used as a key for the person whose name is written on it only; no other locks can be opened with that key card. Hence, in this game, there is a lock-key pair, but this doesn't mean that the lock will contain a key card of your name in it. So, your fate depends on two people: one who has your key card and the one whose key card you have. The crucial part is that you play as a team. If the key holder dies, the lock dies and vice versa. All the basic rules remain the same. It is up to you how you coordinate or take the game forward. All the best."

"Please take a look at your respective key cards for the name of the lock that is to be mentioned on the card."

I look at my card and, to my surprise, the name was Nathan. How do I tell him? I've developed a fear of being ignored because of him.

I push aside any ego and focus on the reality of the game. If Nathan fails, so do I—it's a team game at its core. The key to surviving this round is teaming up with him, but first, I need to find him. Given that I joined Peculous late and missed the introduction period, I don't know many people here.

I start by asking around, approaching the remaining players and describing Nathan. I hope someone might have seen him or know where he is. The goal is to track down Nathan and figure out a strategy to make sure we both stay in the game.

I went to him and waved my card at him.

"Hi!" I said, feeling like the most shameless person on earth. My voice sounded awkward and hesitant, as if I was trying to break through an invisible wall.

He glanced at me for a split second, his eyes barely meeting mine before turning back to his card. The sigh he let out was heavy with frustration, as if the very name on the card weighed him down. He shifted his posture, clearly irritated, and turned away, dismissing me with a cold shoulder.

"Hello Nathan! I have your card, just so you know," I said, trying to clarify my intention. I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't just trying to get his attention or appear a wanna be girl. I hoped this would help him understand that I was simply here to coordinate and make sure we were on the same page.

"I'm not about to drag you into my mess. If you're smart, you'll use your time to track down your own key, not waste it on me," he said dismissively.

Did he just imply that I'm dumb enough to need a key while he doesn't? This guy is way too rude for someone sweet like me. His cold attitude only makes me more determined to prove him wrong. If he thinks he can brush me off so easily, he's got another thing coming. I'll find my key and make sure I'm not the one left out in the cold.

Even after his dismissive attitude, my ego remains unshaken, like fine steel that doesn't bend under pressure. His words might sting, but they don't break me. I start to think maybe there's more to him than meets the eye, a hidden layer beneath that icy exterior. Perhaps I'm beginning to understand him, just a little. Maybe.

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