Shikaku - Take a Chance on Me 💋

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Word Count - 2232

After Shikamaru's mom left Shikaku became the number one bachelor. I watched as he took home different girls. Silently hoping one day that would be me. But a part of me hesitated. I knew he was doing it cause he was hurt and lonely. And my friendship with Shikamaru meant to much to me. I would crave for his touch but knew it was for the best that I didn't get it. I wanted more than just his touch for a night. I wanted him. I sighed as a played with my drink. Slipping further into the booth.

"You okay (Y/N)?" Temari asked.

"Oh yeah sorry." I murmured.

"What's on your mind love?" She pressed further.

"Love" I sighed at the irony of the nickname she used was exactly what I was thinking of.

"(Y/N) since when do you have boy troubles." Kiba laughed. I didn't bother looking up to glare at him so instead I glared at my untouched drink.

"Who is this mystery man?" Shikamaru asked. I felt the blush on my face. If he only knew I had the hots for his father.

"No one. Just someone I met on a mission." I tired to fluff off. It was a half truth. I knew Shikamaru and Shikaku for what felt like my whole life but it wasn't till recently my opinion of Skikaku changed.

We were on a mission together a couple months back. We got to the inn only to find one room was available. Thankfully with two beds. I had gone to bed early and Shikaku decided to go to the bar. I woke up in the middle of the night needing to use the restroom. When I opened the door I was met with a naked Shikaku. I thought he was still out. I hadn't heard him come in.

"I'm so sorry." I said. I tried to rush towards the door but my legs won't move. I tried to close my eyes but they couldn't look away from his figure. I wanted to take him all in.

"It's okay (Y/N) it was an accident. I'm going to take a shower. Did you need something?" He asked with a laugh. That laugh continues to run threw my mind today. The way he didn't hide himself either. It was almost as if he was showing himself off to me. I saw everything that man was packing and it made me wet at the desire of him filling me up to the brim.

"I just needed to pee." I said sheepishly.

"You can still use the toilet while I shower (Y/N)." I nodded. He turned the shower on and slip behind the certain before I made my way to relieve myself. I couldn't help but glance at his silhouette behind the certain. He was cleaning his member. My mind was racing thinking he was doing that while I was in here on purpose. I felt the wetness from. I shook my head to try to clean my thoughts. I needed to get out of here before I found myself pulling back the certain and joining him. When I laid on my bed I thought about him pinning me against the shower. My thighs rubbed together. I slide my finger down to my entrance as it begged from something. It begged to be touched by him but my finger would have to do for now. I played with myself at the thought of him. I stifled my moans so he wouldn't hear what I was doing. Before I could get myself off I heard the shower turn off. I stopped my movements and pretended I was asleep. I wish I could have finished. It would have helped me in the long run. I had convinced myself that was the reason for these longing desires for him.

"He must be one special guy." Kiba said bringing me back into reality from my daydreaming of Shikau's body. He bent down to whisper in my ear "I know that smell anywhere (Y/N)." It was true Kiba and I would hook up on occasion but it meant nothing to either of us. Lately my time with Kiba was blinded by the thoughts of him being Shikaku. I dirty secret that made me blush. Kiba thought the blush was for him. "Did you want me to help you forget about him tonight?" He asked with his mouth still at my ear.

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