Neji - Repeating Days 🍋

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Word Count - 3793

"( Y/N)," Neji started to open the door but when he realized it was me he started to close it slightly. He let only his body slip out slightly as he closed the rest of the room off to me. I knew what that meant.

"Is she here?" He only nodded and looked down. I nodded back at him. I turned on my heels and walked the directions I came from.

I had managed to walk calmy towards my place. The feeling didn't hit me until I saw the picture of Neji and I on my end table. I threw it across the room. Neji and I had broken up months ago. More specifically I broke up with him. We were toxic together. The games we played didn't end when we broke up though. We were having a hard time adjusting to life without each other. When we first broke up I was the one to start seeing other people. I wanted a healthy relationship. When he would see me out on dates he would look so sad. The sadness wouldn't last long as he had a habit of showing up at my place after my date was over. We would fight and then have intense make up sex. That seemed to be the only way we could get each other off. That's why I had originally ended things. I was tired of hurting each other just for the thrill of the sex after. But our habit never stopped. I had gotten to the point post-break up were I wanted him back. If he was still going to be in my life I couldn't be just friends anymore. We did the same thing as we did when we were together so I didn't see the need to be apart. When I admitted to Neji I wanted him back he admitted to me he was seeing some one else. We repeated our cycle of fighting then making up.

That was a couple days ago. I had collected my thoughts to tell him that was the last time. If he was seeing someone else I wanted to be done for good. But when I got to his place and she was there it broke my heart more than I thought it would. I began feeling unsure if I really wanted things to end. I knew I should. We were in an endless cycle of repeating days and I was tired. But my heart longed for him.

I wondered around my apartment aimlessly. Every picture I encountered of Neji and I found its way flying across the room. I eventually made it to my bed and flopped down. I let the tears leak out of my eyes. I knew what I needed to do but it was hard to admit. Even harder to put words into action.

A couple of hours went past and I hadn't moved. I only moved when there was a knock on my door. I knew it was Neji. I didn't want to open the door and start our cycle again but my feet found their way to the door regardless of my feelings.

"(Y/N)," he said in the same tone as when I was at his door earlier in the night.

"What do you want Neji?" I leaned against the door.

"Can I come in?" I moved out of the way for him but didn't say a word.

"What do you want Neji?" I asked him again once we were settled on the couch. My tone was cold and sharp.

"I wanted to tell you that it's nothing. You don't have to worry about her my love. There is no one else like you." I knew he was lying to me. Even though I knew he was lying I couldn't help but take his word. I leaned across the couch to place my lips on his. I couldn't help from wanting him.

His lips reciprocated mine. His lips felt hungry. The desire we felt for each others touch was deep and intense. I maneuvered myself so I could straddle him. My fingers played in his hair that rested at the back of his neck. I pulled him closer to me. His hands grabbed at my waist. He began guiding my hips to rub against his hardening erection. His member pressed against my core. I moaned into his mouth.

Neji pulled away from our kiss in response. "Are you sure you want this (Y/N)?" He begged of me.

"I'm fine. There'll be some body else. Let me have you right now." Neji nodded his head at my answer. He brought his lips back against mine. I pressed myself down on him. I rubbed my core against his hidden cock. I needed to feel all of him.

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