Obito - Bad Habits 🍋

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Word Count - 2270

"Is this seat taken?" I turned my head to the side to see an attractive man who looked about my age.

"No." I gestured for him to have a seat. "I'm (Y/N)." I smiled at him. He sat beside me.

"Ittan." He smiled back at me.

"Nice to meet you Ittan." I gave him a wink.

"I can say the same about you (Y/N)." He leaned in as he gave me a wink back. I couldn't help the giggle and blush that spread to my cheeks. "What are you doing here?" He began questioning me with small talk.

"Looking for some company." I sent him a seductive look.

"Well I hope I can suffice." He reached his hand down in my thigh and gave me a gentle squeeze. I placed my hand on his before I started using one finger to trace up his muscular forearm.

"I think so." I stared down at our connection as I spoke. "Will you order me a drink?" I asked as I looked up at him. He nodded before turning his attention to the bartender. We continued our small talk as we waited for our drinks. His fingers traced small circles on my inner thigh. My finger continued to find its way up and down his arm. His arm looked so strong. I wanted him to hold me in them. Even though I could only see his exposed arm in his garb I knew the rest of his body would be just as sculpted. I wanted to see it pressed against me. How his muscles flexed as he drove into me.

"Would you like another?" Ittan asked as I finished my drink.

I shook my head. I brought my hand from his arm to his thigh. I rubbed his muscular thigh as his grip on my thigh tightened. "I'm ready for you to take me home." I leaned over and started sucking on his earlobe. He body stiffened slightly as he let go of my leg so he could grab my hand off of his. He stared turning our body to get up from the barstools when I heard another voice interrupt us.

"I don't think that's a good idea princess." I groaned in annoyance and rolled my eyes at the sound of his voice. I flipped my head around to face him.

"What are you doing here?" I spat out as I stared him down.

"I'm taking you home." He grabbed my other wrist that was not being held by Ittan and started pulling me away from the stranger I just met.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ittan's voice boomed towards the man taking me away from him.

"I'm taking her home." I could tell from his voice behind his mask that he spoke through gritted teeth.

"No man. Find another girl. She's mine tonight." Ittan retaliated. I leaned further towards him but was pulled back to the man interrupting my night.

"She's already mine." He growled slowly. I saw the red glow of his eye behind his mask. He was getting serious about getting me out of here. I knew I couldn't play anymore. I turned my attention to Ittan. I squeezed his hand before I released it.

"Sorry Ittan. Maybe we can pick this up another night." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I leaned over to his ear. "I want to see your strong body pin me down and pound into me." I sucked on his earlobe again. "But tonight is not the night." I said as I released his ear and gave him a pat of his chest. I got up from my seat. "I have to go home with him before he kills you." I turned my attention back towards the masked man and grabbed his hand.

"I'm ready to go babe." I smiled at him. He tugged my arm along and dragged me out of the bar. As we walked away I turned back towards Ittan. He looked confused as to why I was suddenly whisked away. I sent an air kiss his way. I saw him roll his eyes and his lips turn up before he turned his attention back towards the bar. The hand I was holding pulled me harder. To turned towards him instinctually.

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