Guy - The Challenge 🍋

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Word Count - 2365

"My precious flower," I heard Guys voice as he walked up behind me. He placed his arms around me and pulled my back against his chest. His face nuzzled in the crook of my neck. "I have a challenge for you." He gave me a kiss on the neck as he spoke. It sent shivers down my spine.

"And what would that be?" I giggled.

"Come over tonight. I'll tell you then." He started to let go of my body. I grabbed his wrist to stop him. I turned around in his arms and secured them around my waist again. I placed my arms around his neck as I looked at him.

"You are making me wait all day?" I whined. "That doesn't sound like you. Are you scared I'll beat you?" I teased him. I love a challenge just as much as Guy. It's what attracted us to each other. We were both overly competitive and stubborn. Our ambitions did not end in the bedroom either. We pushed each others bodies every way possible.

"Okay my flower. Let's go." He gave me a kiss on the nose before he grabbed my hand and led me towards his place.

"A challenge inside babe?" I began questioning him. I could only think of one thing it could be. "Is it a sex challenge?"

"Something like that." His beaming smile had a hint of mischief behind it.

"Oh exciting." I squealed. I took my hand out of Guy's and started running towards his place. Whatever the challenge was I was going to win. Recently Guy kept beating me in our little games and I was getting tired of losing. A sex challenge is more my speed. I loved watching him squirm under my touch. The way he would final cave and beg for me. It was so sexy to watch him get flustered and overstimulated.

Guy was quickly behind me. When I got to his door he slammed my back against it. He took my wrist in his hands and pinned them on either side of my head. "You just can't wait can you flower?" He started kissing and sucking on my neck as he spoke. "You're going to regret it." His words sent shivers down my spine.

"Guy." I quietly moaned. "Get me inside." I begged of him. He removed his body from mine and unlocked the door. When he closed the door behind us I was quick to grab at his cock. He grabbed my wirst to stop me.

"No flower. First a challenge." His smile was as big as ever.

"What's the challenge babe?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I took my hand from his grasp.

"Just you wait my youthful flower." He let out a deep chuckle. He walked towards his bedroom and I followed suit.

"Babe." I whined. "You're not good at keeping secrets. Just tell me." I begged for him. When we got to his room a plopped myself down on his bed.

"It's not a secret love. This is about teaching you patience. Clearly you lack it my precious flower. I have to train you." The corners of my mouth turned up as he spoke. I eyed him hungrily.

"First I want you to strip yourself." He commanded of me. I got up from the bed and slowly removed my clothes. He watched me from the other side of the room. I kept eye contact with him as I removed one piece of clothing after another. When I was completely naked I stood still and waited for my next order.

"Now it's my turn." He took off his vest and threw it on the pile of my clothes. He took his green jumpsuit followed by his yellow leg warmers and weights. His boxers hide the outline of his cock but they quickly came off as well. He stood proud in his nakedness. I took in the sight of his body. I loved how every muscle was sculpted from his years of intense training. His cock already stood erect.

I couldn't help but take the couple steps to close our gap. My hands traced up and down his abs. I watched my hand travel over his body. One hand found its destination on his cock. I began rubbing my hand up and down his length. He grabbed my wrist and removed my hand from him. I looked up at him confused. Guy shook his head. "Not yet my youthful flower."

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