Genma - Hidden Gem 💕

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Word Count - 4105

I stood outside the Hokage's office waiting to be seen. Genma was taking this opportunity to talk to me. He always did. I rolled my eyes at his rambling, trying to keep our conversation limited. I tried this with him every time but each time I failed. I would never admit to him that I enjoy our exchanges. We had gotten close over the years. When Kakashi took over as the Hokage he would constantly send me on missions so I got to see Genma often. It was in my best interest he sent me away. I liked my home in the leaf but the villagers didn't always like me. I had been here for 16 years now but somedays I still left like the newbie. I was an outsider. I was raised in Kirigakure when Yagura was in power. My village was full of a lust for blood. Kakashi found me wondering aimlessly around the land of the fire. I had escaped the village when I was six. I had no idea at the time what happened to my family. My mom sent me away and all she told me was to walk away from it all. I had walked, boated, ran, and swam to get away. With no distantion in mind my feet just kept going one day after the next.

She kept my younger brother with her. For years I was envious. I felt like she chose him over me. He was only three. I felt like I could have taken him with me. But she knew best. She knew she could not leave two babies wondering on their own nor could she wonder aimlessly trying to feed the three of us. I had lost my family the day she sent me away. It wasn't until 6 years later of being an orphan that I thought I found a new family in Kakashi. He is eight years my senior. He took me back to Konoha to give me a chance at a stable life. When word got out that I was a Yuki I was locked up for what they said was the village protection. I had a rough childhood in the village hidden in the mist and being isolated in the leaf village made me miss the times of my childhood. It made me miss the years I was an orphan when I had nothing but freedom and time on my side. Kakashi would visit me and help me hone different Justus. Eventually Kakashi had convinced the Hokage to let me learn and become a Kunoichi under him. I enjoyed my time with him until he passed his first team and became their sensei. I was left alone again so I joined the Anbu. I wanted to join in order to prove my loyalty to the leaf. I felt that in every thing I did I had to prove my loyalty. Prove to them I was one of them and was not going to back stab them.

For eleven years that was my life constantly having to prove myself. It made me became a very strong kunoichi. Granted my ice release kekkei genkai made me strong in itself but I had to be strong emotionally too. When Kakashi became the Hokage it gave me my freedom back as he believed in me whole heartedly. He trusted me. I left the Anbu and became Kakashi's go to for long stinted solo missions. He knew my heart was with the leaf and I would never abandon them for anything. I wouldn't abandon him. I had lost everything and they were all I had left. I didn't want to leave my home. I knew it was my home even when others thought different. I was so indebted to Kakashi and all he gave me. He gave me a life fill with promise and hope. He always looked at me as a younger sister but as I grew older I saw him different. I was no longer the little girl he needed to protect. I dreamed of the day he finally saw me.

One guy I knew saw me for who I was was Genma. He was so sweet to me. I was so consumed in my own feeling for Kakashi to look at Genma as anything more than a friend. But he was a dear friend to me. Honestly one of the only ones I had. Even if our exchanges were short I looked forward to each time I came home having this time with him. He was the first person I came home to as Kakashi always had me waiting on him. Genma never did. His attention was always on me the second he saw me round the corner. I looked forward to seeing his smile greeting me. It was such a genuine smile. One that showed he was actually excited to see me. He was probably the only person to show me that smile. He was so near and dear to my heart. But he was always going to be my best friend. I didn't want to let anyone else in besides Kakashi. Kakashi had seen me through so many ups and downs. I did not want to spend my time getting to know someone to have them hurt me. I was content with the people I let in and how far I let them in. My troublesome childhood taught me it was better to have one person you loved more than anything than to have millions of friends. Kakashi was that person to me. I wanted him to see it. I thought we where there when we fought together during the war but then he became the Hokage, his time had been consumed with work. The only time I got to have with him over the last five years is when I reported back to him or when he sent me on mission just a couple days later. He seldomly gave me a break. But that's how I liked it. I loved my home but I felt more comfortable being away knowing I had a place to return too.

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