Yamato - Island in the Sun 🍋

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Word Count - 2332

Yamato entered our tent looking distraught. I got up to greet him but he fluffed me off. "Yamato," I started. He walked towards our make shift bed. Then sat down with a huffed. I followed close behind him. I place my hands on his shoulders as I sat beside him. He was so tense. I began rubbing his shoulders. "Are you okay my love?" He sighed and leaned into the touch. "What's going on peanut?"

"It's just a lot." He looked down.

"I know baby." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and continued my massage. He began relaxing under my touch. "You are overworking yourself." I reminded him. I knew he felt pressure with rebuilding the village. He was key to helping everyone and he was being pulled in all directions.

"I can't Flower." He barely got his words out.

"I know my love. Just relax while you can." I got up from beside him on the bed to fetch us some dinner. "Do you want anything?" He hummed in response and laid his head down on his pillow. He watched me as I grabbed him something to eat. I returned to him with a plate of food.

"Here peanut." I handed him the food. He sat up to take it. I made my way behind him and continued the massage from earlier as he eat. I felt so bad for him. His responsibilities were taking a toll on his body.

"I'm being sent on another mission." He broke the silence. I hummed in response. I didn't like the idea. He was dealing with enough stress of rebuilding the village I didn't want more on his plate. "We are being sent on a mission." He corrected himself.

"We?" I asked.

"Yes we. Lady Hokage wants me to accompany Naruto on his next mission. I asked if you could come." He took a moment to eat more of his dinner. "I have been so stressed lately and I told Lady Hokage I could not perform at my best if you were not along side me. She agreed." He glanced over at me. His eyes were telling me he was asking me if I could join.

"Of course peanut." I kissed him on the cheek. "Anything for you."


We docked on a small island. Guy was seasick the entire time and needed a break. We saw little of the island before Naruto heard his name being called. It was Sakura. I was astonished to see her here. She had informed us that Lady Tsunade sent her, Ino, and Choi to find medical herbs for the nearing war. Naruto scurried away to help them. I didn't blame him. Taking care of Guy was tedious. The constant nausea almost made me sick as well.

Guy was laid up in the tent and Naruto was out. I had convinced Yamato to take a walk with me along the beach while Aoba watched Guy.

"Come on Yamato. We won't get this time back." I said as I pulled him alone the ocean side. He was dragging his feet in the sand but I had my hand outstretched taking in ever bit of sun I could. "I love this." He chuckled at me. "When you retire I wanna get a place on the beach. Can we do that baby? Will you built me a house on the beach?" I asked as I leaned into him. He laughed again at me.

"Of course. I think you are enjoying this too much."

"How could you not?" I said as I let go of his hand and ran a little in front of him. I threw my hands up and twirled under the rays of the sun. "We'll never feel this again. We should just run away and feel this way forever." I looked up at the glow in the sky. It was so beautiful. I couldn't help but take it all in. I wanted this memories to last a life time. Yamato didn't take me on vacations so this was the closest thing I could get. With all the missions he took in his life when he had down time he wanted to be home. I wanted more so I was not going to miss the opportunity to explore what this once in a life time mission was going to give me. He walked up next to me and embraced me in a hug.

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