Kiba - My Dude 💕

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Word Count - 2550

"I'm sorry (Y/N) I thought it was just a rumor." Sakura's voice was low. She watched my eyes travel to the couple walking into the bar. Their hands were linked. His signature smile that made me weak at the knees was looking towards her. I saw a blush across her cheeks. Anyone could see they were happy together.

"Who is she ?" I asked. I tried to hide the strain I felt.

"Tamaki." Ino informed me. She glared at the couple as well.

"Tamaki." I repeated almost in a growl.

"She is originally from Sora-Ku." Ino again informed me of the mystery girls background.

"Sora-Ku?" I finally turned my attention away from the couple and toward me friend Ino. She nodded to me. I always loved how Ino had the inside scoop on everyone. I wish she would have warned me of this before I saw them together. But I understand why she didn't. She knew it would upset me and I wouldn't believe it till I saw it with my own eyes.

"Does that mean she's a cat?" My eyes were large in shock. Ino and Sakura simply nodded. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony. Of course the dog boy would end up with a cat girl. They were a perfect couple. Ino and Sakura joined in my fit of laughter as we tried to make light of the situation. My laughter could only last so long before the sadness returned.

"I don't think that's fair." I said to my two friends. "Some would say that's a perfect match for him. How am I supposed to compete with that?" I admitted to them.

"You aren't." Ino said in a matter of fact. "You have her girl. She doesn't know what she's in for."

I sighed loudly. "Neither does he." I looked down at my beer and swirling it round.

"Hey (Y/N)," Sakura rubbed a hand on my back. "You can't help it that you feel in love with a boy who is blind to your admiration. When he finally sees it he will know that he belongs with you."

"How long do i have to wait?" Both girls were silent at me question. "I can't waist my life on this anymore. If he doesn't see me that is not my fault anymore. You're right Sakura he is dumb. Why did I have to fall for such a dummy." I face palmed my hand. Both girls laugh at my remarks of Kiba's character.

The girls spent the rest of the night trying to distract me from the couple at the other end of the bar. More of our girl friends arrived as we had originally planned for girls night out. With each one that arrived they gave me a sympathetic look as they all passed the couple at the door. It was starting to irritate me. I didn't want to be a victim to this. It felt like crap. It was true Kiba hadn't seen my desire for him throughout the years but with each look I got from the girls it only rubbed salt in the wound. I know they were trying to be supportive but it only kept the thought on my mind. I wanted to forget about it. I was drowning myself in the alcohol tonight.

At some point Kiba made his way over to our table with his new girlfriend in tow.

"I see you ladies are having a girls night." I didn't look over at them but I knew my friends were giving glares their way.

"Do you mind if Tamaki joins? She is new to the village and I want her to make friends." I scoffed louder than I intended. I couldn't help the eye roll that followed. I got up from my seat.

"She can have my spot." I gestures toward my seat for her to take. She took it and gave me a weak thank you. I downed the rest of me drink before slamming the glass down in front of her. I didn't say anything but rather walked off. I felt it was bullshit of Kiba to do that. First he has her hung on his side they way I want to be then he had the audacity to ask if she can join my friends. It felt like I was being replace.

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