Ibiki - Sadist 🍋

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Word Count - 3245

I was strolling down the streets of Konoha. I was taking in the new smells and sights. It had been 8 years since I had been home.

"(Y/N), is that you?" I looked up and saw a familiar face. Ibiki Morino. We went through the academy together. He was very impressive. He was made a special jonin by the time I left. I always strived to be better than him. I was grateful to have him in my class as competition.

"Ibiki." I greeted him with a smile.

"Wow it is you." He gave me a hug. "It's been so long." He said into my hair as we hugged. When he pulled back he kept his hands on my arms. "How have you been?"

"I've been better." I laughed out.

"What brings you back home?" We turned and started walking in my original direction.

"It was time I came back home. How's Naruto?" My question rolled off the tongue without a second thought. I should have asked him how he was first but my nephew was my top priority.

"He's doing really well. I am still proctor for the first part of the chunin exam. He was there about a month ago. He is a special kid."

"Did you pass him?" I looked over at my old friend.

"Of course." He smiled at me. "He's in. All or nothing. He is very dedicated and passionate. I wouldn't expect any less from your family."

"Do you know where he is?"

"Training with one of the legendary sannin."

"Who? I thought they all got out of the game a while ago."

"You know him well." He threw his elbow at me. "Jiraiya."

"Jiraiya is here?" I was astonished. I had ran into him multiple times when I was away from the village. He likes to travel and so did I. Our paths crossed on occasion and it was alway nice to see what little family I had left.

"They ran into each other at the bath house and Jiraiya had been training him since."

"Does Naruto know?"

"No." His answer was simple and to the point. We walked silent for a moment. I felt bad for Naruto. I thought the village would have done better for him. He deserves to know his family.

"I shouldn't have left him."

"(Y/N) you had a mission. You did the best you could."

"But I could have come home after and I didn't." We walked in silence again before Ibiki spoke. "Where are we headed?"

"I don't know." I looked down sheepishly at my feet as I stopped in my tracks. "I was just walking."

"Well I leave you to figure it out. I have some business to attended too. I hope you stick around this time. I have missed you." He smiled at me. He was always sweet to me. He had the reputation of being a sadist but when it was just me and him, I never saw that side of him.

"I missed you too." I smiled back at him.

"If you decide to stay will you join me for dinner tonight?"

"I'm going to stay. I shouldn't have left Naruto and I won't again. I'm here for good. And yes Ibiki I would love to go to dinner with you." I grabbed his hand in mine.

"Then it's a date." He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you tonight." I smiled at him as he walked away.


I had been home three months now. Naruto had left to train with Jiraiya and Ibiki and I had gotten serious. I spent more nights at his place than my own.

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