Inoichi - Punishment 🍋

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Word Count - 2348

"Ino it's time to go home." I giggled at her.

"In a minute (Y/N)." She tired to fluff me off as she walked around the bar.

"No my love it's time to go home." I walked behind her and placed I hand around her waist. She instinctually leaned into my touch. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. We walked out of the bar together. We were both drunk and stumbling but at least four drunk legs were better than two.

I helped her walk to her home. When we entered the kitchen light was still on. I didn't pay any mind to it as I helped Ino out of her shoes. I struggled with my own. I helped her walk the hall towards her bedroom. Once inside I helped her get cleaned up and change into her pajamas. I tucked her into bed.

"Thank you (Y/N)." She called for me a I walked out of her room.

"Get some sleep Ino. I'll be by in the morning."

"If I'm up." She mumbled to me as she turned over in her bed. I couldn't help by laugh at my intebreated friend. There was no way she would be up by the time we had set for the next morning. I shrugged my shoulders. That was okay I was in no rush.

I walked down the hall of the Yamanaka residence. My destination was to the kitchen. I knew the light was him.

"Chief Yamanaka." I greeted him as I walk around the kitchen island to stand next to him. He had his back leaned again the counter drinking water. When the glass was removed from his lips I took it from his hands. I finished the glass before I handed it back to him.

"Ino is asleep." I informed him. Inoichi nodded his head. "This will be the last time Chief." I took the couple steps closer to him to close the gap between us. My body was flushed again his chest. My arms wrapped around his neck as my hands played in his long hair. His hands wrapped around my waist.

"The last time princess?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I stood on my tippy toes so my face could be but mere inches from his. I nodded my head.

"I found her a man. He's not like you but he's still a good guy. One of the sweetest I know actually."

"Are you saying I'm not sweet to my princess?" A giant smirk ran across his face.

"You can be. But you can also be very demanding." Sultry was laced in my voice.

"Which do you prefer tonight princess?"

"Demanding. This will be our last night. I want you to torture my pussy so no one else can compete."

"Why are you so certain this is our last night?" He questioned me.

"I did what you asked. I found Ino a man. There is no need for you to continue showing me what kind of man you want me to find for your daughter."

"Then why are you here now if he is already found?" I stayed quiet at his question. He did have a point. "You told me he's not like me. That deserves punishment. Punishment that will last longer than one night." Inoichi finally pressed his lips against mine. My lips took to his. I was hungry to have his taste in my mouth.

Inoichi took one hand to grab the back on my head. He pulled me closer. The other hand squeezed at my ass. His kiss was already showing his dominance. My hands slide from his neck and roamed down his chest. I grabbed at the hem of his shirt. He pulled back from our kiss so I could take his shirt off. I lifted it off this body. His eyes laced in desire.

"You're going to be mine forever princess." He grabbed at my large breast. "This is never going to stop. You need to tell stories to Ino of how a man must please his women." He started sucking at my neck. I leaned my head to the side to give him better access.

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