Guy - Dead Sea 💕

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Word Count - 2672

There was a knock on my door. I got up to be greeted by Kakashi and Guy.

"Hi." My smile beamed for them as I took a step back to allow them inside. They filed their way into my house to sit in the living room with the rest of our friends.

"How are you holding up?" Guy asked me as he handed me flowers.

"Thank you." I took them from him and placed them in a vase. I set them in the kitchen along the other flowers I had received that day.

"I'm okay. I knew it was coming." I gave him a weak smile. I sat down along my friends on the couch.

"What are your plans now?" Kakashi asked me.

"I think it's time I start living for myself." I sighed out. "I haven't been on a mission in over a year. My time has been consumed with taking care of my father. I want to get back to what I know and love."

"I think that a good idea (Y/N)." Anko added to the conversation. She was my best friend. She had been wanting me to get back for a while but understood that my father came first. I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could before he passed.

"I was planning on meeting the Hokage tomorrow." I informed them all.

We talked casually of my plans and what my friends had been up to and the things I would anticipate experiencing again before we all decided to call it a night.

Kakashi and Guy were the last to leave as they were also the last to arrive. I walked them both to the door. I gave them hugs goodbye.

"Take care of yourself." Guy said into my ear before he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm not going anywhere yet Guy." I chuckled to him.

"I know but I want you to be safe." He let go of me and started putting in his shoes.

Then Kakashi gave me a hug. "He means it more than you think." Kakashi silently warned me.

"Im not worried." I reassured the both of them. "I'm ready to take care of myself. Thank you both for coming." I said to them before closing the door behind them.


It had been six months since my fathers passing. The Hokage started me on small mission so I could get my feet back under me. He was now sending me on an upper rank mission with Kakashi and Guy. We met at the gates before leaving. We discussed what our plan would be as we made it to our first stop. We got ourselves rooms at the inn before meeting at the bar later that night.

I sat alone waiting for my teammates. It felt weird to be out with them again. It almost felt juvenile. We hadn't done this in ages. It made me reminisce the old times before I took a hiatus. I was starting to think about taking another one. I liked the freedom I had when I didn't have responsibilities to the leaf. I told my friends I wanted to live for myself but I had yet to get that feeling. I was going to tell Kakashi and Guy tonight that I was not going to be coming back to the leaf with them. I had already discussed my decision with the Hokage. I also discussed it with Anko. She had tried to convince me otherwise but she knew my heart and knew I needed the time away. I hoped Kakashi and Guy would understand as well. They didn't know me like Anko knew me. Maybe they wouldn't be as understanding.

"(Y/N)," I heard Guy's voice before I saw him. I turned my attention to the two men coming towards me. Kakashi had a beer in his hand and Guy had one for himself and the other I assumed was for me. He handed me the drink as he sat down indicating I was right in my assumption.

"Thank you Guy." A slight blushed spread to me cheeks as I took the drink of him.

"Of course." He returned the blush with his signature smile. We sat and talked about our mission before I broke the news to them that I was not going back after this was over. Guy sat silent.

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